Chapter 2

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Dixie's P.O.V.

Tears fill my 'parents' eyes as I walk away from them, on my way to the tar mat to board the jet on it's way to Italy. The smiles on their faces are finally true ones, overflowing with happiness. Not, of course, for their lovely daughter winning the trip of a lifetime to Italy, but more of a, "We're finally free of her for a few weeks!" How loving are they? Then again, when your just one of six money makers, there's not a lot of love to go around. Not that I'm used to it any other way though. I'm just hoping that I'm the first one on the plane, with five other kids in the house, alone time isn't an easy thing to get. But, luck is never in my favor and I come face to face with six teens the before I can hardly get a single step into the plane. All around are blank faces, no chorus of hello's to fend off. Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.

I take the single seat farthest from all of the other occupants and pop my ear buds in. The stares subside and everyone goes back to what I assume they were doing before my arrival. Putting my head down in a book, the attention is all back to themselves and I can get some scouting done before I have to actually talk to these people. Glancing around, the girl closest to me has her deep red curls hanging around her soft features. Her hazel-violet eyes stare down at a Sudoku puzzle book in her pale hands. Floral skirt and blouse show off her thin figure, most likely about 5'5. Next to her is her compete opposite. While she looks like she couldn't hurt a fly, she had the appearance of someone who got in trouble a lot. A tall built girl with short strawberry blonde hair that hung in her eyes a bit. She's got this rough look to her and can do obviously seen hanging with the boys rather than the girls. The scar racing down her right arm seems to prove how rough she is. She has on slightly tighter than normal black cargo pants matched with the same color combat boots and a camo cami. There's someone who can hold their own.

While it was clear to tell all of us girls were very different, the guys seemed to be pretty similar. One of them with blonde hair was bouncing a soccer ball on his heals with a "T" in all of the black sections in large, bold white font. Your average high school jock with some slight security issues he's working through, I expected one of those would be here. Next is a 5'9ish guy with dirty blonde hair, slightly longer than normal, gives a rougher look but that's definitely not who this guy is. There's some kindness behind the 'tough guy' persona everyone sees. He seems like one of those guys you hear about in books; the bad boy that is super sweet to the nerd and they live happily ever after, yada yada yada. And then I see the average high school douche. Brown eyes peaked out from behind his straight brow locks that he spent way too long styling. Sagging jeans, skin tight T-shirt, and unfortunately walking over to me. And just when I had a little hope of him walking past me to go to the on board bathroom, he crouches done to my level. Of course the rude D tips the top of my book down and puts on his 'lady killer' smirk, obviously a glare doesn't get him to go away. "The names Slade, Dexter Slade. But for a fine little thing like you, just call me Dex."

"The names Silvera, Dixiana Silvera. My friends call me Dixie, so you call me Dixiana." WIth a half smile my attention is back on my book, but unfortunately not for long. With a loud clap, my book was no longer open and instead a smirking Dex is in my face.

"Why you gotta play like that? No matter how much I like hard to get, we're only in Italy for a few weeks."

"And no matter how much I was hoping not to get hit on by players on this trip, we can't get everything we want." That was all it took for him to return back to his seat and grumble about how I was blind not to love him or something like that. I flip back to my page but fate won't let me enjoy my book since I was interrupted again before having the chance to get a line finished. "You totally told off Dex! I haven't seen him back down from anyone!" Man, this girl is peppy.

"I'm sure I haven't heard the last of him but it's a start."

"I'm Sophia by the way."

"Dixie" Just then, the polite comes on the over head.

"We are now loading our last passenger and then will be taking off for Italy." On walks one of the hottest guys I've ever seen. Had to be 5'11 with chestnut brown hair and eyes to match.

"Sorry I held you guys up, had to drive like an hour to get here." the guy walks over and takes the seat closest to me and holds out his hand, "Hi, I'm Blake."

"Dixie." This trip just got so much more interesting.

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