Hurts Like A Bitch

261 8 10

Words: 286

Description: Dan stubs his toe bc we all know that hurts a lot

A/N: These will get better, I swear

 "JESUS MOTHER FUCK! HOLY DICK THAT HURT!" Phil heard from where he sat in the lounge.

"Dan?" he called out. "Are you okay?"

"No I am not okay!" he yelled back.

Phil sighed and stood, going into Dan's room. "What'd you do?" he asked, walking over to where Dan was hoping around on one foot and holding the other.

"Stubbed my toe. Hurts like a bitch."

Phil stifled a laugh, which Dan heard and caused him to glare, and moved him over so he was sitting on his bed. "Let me see it."

Dan made a big deal as Phil helped take his sock off. Phil inspected the injured toe, making little humming noises and nodding his head like a doctor would. "Well?" Dan asked.

Phil sighed, taking his glasses off and rubbing his face. "It doesn't look good. We might even have to amputate it."

"Oh, piss off," Dan said, shoving Phil gently away. Phil giggled and sat up, beaming up at Dan.

"I'm sorry, I had to. Do you want ice or something?" Phil started to stand up after finishing his sentence.

"No, no, it's fine. It doesn't hurt as much, just slight stinging. See! I can even bend it!" Dan bent his toe a fraction of a centimeter and winced at the pain. "Okay, maybe not. But I'll live, I'm sure."

"Are you sure? Because amputation is still an option."

Dan groaned, "go make yourself useful and make me some food."

"Why do I have to?!"

"Because I'm injured!"

"You just said you were fine!" Phil groaned and got up, reaching the door when Dan called him again. "Yes?"

"I love you," he smiled and Phil.

Phil smiled back, "love you too nerd."

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