Chapter Seven: An Unexpected Death

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"NO!" screamed Kadyr. "MASTER, YOU CAN'T DO THIS!"

Hannah rushed out. She'd heard part of the conversation. That was obviously enough for her to grasp what was going on. "Master, we've lost Jonah and Mayia."

Adeline's shoulders slumped at the news. "You and Kadyr and Nathan can train these children," she whispered so Celiana couldn't hear. "This is a sacrifice I need to make."

Tears streaming down Hannah's face, she cried quietly, "As you wish, Master."

She and Kadyr stepped back to Nathan, and carried him back to the hospital part, not wanting to witness this.

Kassy, Mercy, and Mason had shrunk into the shadows earlier. Kassy whispered furiously, "I'm going to give Celiana a piece of my mind." She tried to storm away but Mercy and Mason caught her arms.

"I don't like this any more than you do, but Adeline said she had to make this sacrifice."

"Mercy, please."

Ally, Alexander, and Kyle hurried out of the room and caught sight of two of their friends. Alyy pointed out a ledge and they clambered up and over to Kassy and Mercy.

Ally whispered, "Where's Mason?"

"He was right... Oh no. Over there!" screamed Mercy, alerting Celiana to their presence. Mercy had pointed to Celiana, confusing Ally.

"So you have more. You tried to trick me."

She dashed toward Mercy, dagger before her. Suddenly, she tripped, and her dagger plunged into a body and he slumped to the floor.

"Who is that?!" cried Mercy. She didn't want it to be anyone, but she had seen her twin over by Celiana.

"I can't tell," whispered Ally, horrorstruck.

Kassy and Kyle slumped to the floor sadly. They could see who it was.

"Oh no. Oh no. Oh no." Apparently, Mercy could see too. She sat down next to Kassy and buried her head on Kassy's shoulder. Kyle shook his head in disbelief as his sister and friend cried.

"Mercy... who is it?" Ally asked frantically.

"Who's missing?" she choked out.

"Mason... and Alexander! Please tell me..."

Kassy nodded. Becoming a spy isn't seeming fun anymore, she thought.

"NO!" Ally shrieked. "No, it can't be..."

"It is."

At Kyle's words, Alyy screamed and jumped up. Her face twisted horribly. "HOW COULD YOU!"

Kassy and Mercy glanced up. Kassy stopped crying in fear for her friend. She shook her brother's arm. "Kyle, help."

Kyle stood up next to his sister. In plain view was Ally, striding toward the woman who had murdered her brother.

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