~A choice to die for~

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"You're so boring!" Envy whined, making a pouty face. "Am I that much of a meanie?" I questioned. "Yes! You won't play with me!" She shot back, placing her hands on her hips. "I'm trying to cook for us, it's dangerous to leave food cooking unattended." She was always creating little arguments like these, usually over small and minor problems. "Ooh I'm hungry just smelling it!" Gluttony called startling the two of us. "Aah! Big sis you're letting him get away from playing with me!?" She asked perplexed. "If it means I get food then yes." Gluttony sheepishly answers. Envy glared at her in shock, trembling a little. "You've betrayed me. I'm getting Lust to deal with you two!"

Envy ran up the stairs to Lust's room. She knocked on the door violently, "Big sis I need your help! Please!" Lust opened the door and kneeled down to Envy's level. "What do you want help with sweetie-pie?" She gave an innocent smile to her younger 'sibling'. "Big brother won't play with me and it's not fair!" She crossed her arms furiously, tears starting to form on the bottom of her eyes. Lust saw this and felt sympathy for the child, "alright, want me to sort him out and play with you?" Her face lit up with joy, a smile spreading to her cheeks. "Yay! You're the best, Big sis!" Lust ruffled Envy's light green hair and made her way downstairs. "Hey, what's this about not playing with Envy?" The fire in her eyes threaten to burn the place down. "I'm trying to cook some food, I don't see the problem if you're trying to feed everyone." He placed the lid back on a pot he was using. "I'll cook and you go play!" She raised her fist to her chest, "I'm sure it's not that hard!" He shrugged and walked away from the kitchen, and up the staircase. "Wait! I don't know what you're cooking!" It was too late as he had already left for Envy. "Wow I guess he hasn't fell for you, have you not done the thing?" Gluttony marvelled, "perhaps you should?" Lust's eyes widened "I think it's best that I don't, after all if I did that he wouldn't have time to play with Envy."

Envy ran up to him and pulled on his arm, "come on!  I have lots of things planned!" He chuckled and followed orders. "As you wish Envy." She frowned "it's Little sister, I've told you that already! Say it!" Her voice became very commanding. "Okay, okay. As you wish, Little sister." She clasped her hands together and beamed with joy, "well done! Now, onto activities!" She began marching into her bedroom she grabbed a board game from her shelf of items and placed it on the floor. "First up, a fight to the death! We have twenty health each and we take turns rolling the dice, the number on the dice is the damage you do to your opponent. Understand?" He nodded and sat down opposite to Envy. She grabbed the dice and shook it in her hand, then she threw it onto the floor. "Aww a three, I wanted six!" She pouted again, making puppy eyes to him. "Sure whatever, you magically rolled a six. Ouch." He removed six tokens from his side and grabbed the dice. "My turn!" He shook the dice and planted them on the ground, "a one? Seriously." He weeped sarcastically to make Envy happy. "Haha! I am the strongest warrior in this house, I'll let you live so be free!" She knocked over his character and threw it across the room. "Onto the next thing!" She scanned across her shelf again, pointing and a few different things. "Hmm, why don't we go see what Wrath is doing? Yeah, let's do that!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him to her room.

Wrath stared at a wall, swivelling her chair back and fourth.  Her eyes focused on the wall, her eyebrows furrowed. "Hey Sis!" She jumped out of her chair and onto the floor, banging her head into the wall she was so focused on. "H-huh! Oh...hey Envy." She sighed, relaxing her body. "What 'chu doing?" Envy asked happily, forcing her big brother inside with her. "I'm just...daydreaming." She replied, frantically moving her eyes. "Ok then, what were you daydreaming about?" She inquired with eagerness for an answer. "Just about-" A loud beeping was heard coming from downstairs, smoke clouds filled the room they were in. They rushed downstairs to be greeted by a frantic Lust running around the kitchen while the oven was ablaze. "What did you do!" Big brother was in disbelief. "I just put it all in the oven and waited for it to be done!" Lust cried. "You weren't supposed to put it in the oven, who puts spaghetti in the oven?" She looked down sheepishly, "that was spaghetti? I thought it was a bunch of weird yellow intestines...oh." He smiled on pity, "Just call the fire brigade"

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