"Fella we newsies don't like da metaphors. It wastes oua time an money."

"Whatever. My point is we have ta hit the mayor and his daughter where it hurts. We all know she's the real reason behind all of this. If we can target something to harm her, then there's not much of a battle left ta fight."

"Well sure, but Levana ain't gotta thing in dis woild she actually cares about, odda then makin us suffer. Can youse really think of something we could hurt her with?"

The room quieted again, but this time it was out of concentration. She could feel their excitement as real as though it was coursing through her veins, but that was probably just the beer getting to her.

Finally Bat stood up from the right of the room.

"Ise got it! We cut dem off from da woild!"

"I'm listenin. Continue." He froze a little bit as everyone shifted to stare him down. He wasn't used to having something important to say. The little newsie took a gulp and then climbed onto his chair so he could be heard.

"She might not care about much, but money is important ta her. If we mess around wid da factories dat give dem food, clothes, all dat expensive stuff, den they'll have ta give up eventually. We can also cut off der escape, getting rid of the guards around da house an' stuff. Besides, dis way we won't be losin anythin' from de factory, none of us could eva afford dat crap anyways!" Cinder couldn't hold back a chuckle. The kid was actually right. It was genius to cut them off. If she couldn't be hurt, inconvenience was the next option. And Cinder was willing to bet her next meal that Levana wouldn't last long without the comforts of the rich. She could already picture a trapped Levana, covered in dirt and rags, scared at the sound of her aching stomach. It was such a foreign concept that it took a second to process the irony if it were to come true. For her to become one of them while they rose to the top of the food chain.

"Does everyone agree with da little squirt?" The newsies were the first to respond, clapping while the stronger ones lifted Bat on their skinny shoulders to march him around the inn. Their answer seemed to be enough for the rest of the crowd, and soon they joined in.

Soon the room was alive again as though they'd already won the war. One man pulled out a practically rotting fiddle and started playing a jig, and it was almost magic how fast the tables and chairs were stacked against the cracked (Newly repaired) walls. Even Scarlet left the dishes and beers to pull Ze'ev onto the dance floor. He began to twirl her around by the waist as she made her red scarf into a makeshift skirt, skipped around him in the style of her ancestors. He was flat out grinning as he watched her dance, a rare moment for the tall innkeeper. They were still the most beautiful family she'd ever seen.

She was quickly surrounded by couples whirling around, dancing to the beat of the irish jig. The smaller boys were scattered, grabbing the hands of the little girls and swinging them around with tiny fingers. Cinder stood to join Ben and Coin, who were attempting a poor riverdance, when another figure slammed into her side. She wobbled, balance gone thanks to the lousy whiskey, before hitting the stone floor with a thud.

She couldn't bring herself to be mad, giggling like a child to herself as she scrambled to her feet.

"I'm so terribly sorry---" Cinder stiffened, cold anger seeping through her spine. She recognized that voice. That was the voice that made her break down behind bars. That was the voice that betrayed her. She turned, time slowing unbearably as her eyes connected with Kai's. He too was frozen, his hand out as if to help her up. Always the charmer.

Cinder couldn't help noticing he was still stupidly handsome, his dark hair flipped into his eyes. Her fingers involuntarily twitched, wondering if his locks were as soft as they appeared. She inwardly cursed as a blush crept onto her cheeks. To him she probably looked like a love-sick fool. That was sort of what she felt like. The fool, not the love part.

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