"My boss just rung me. They need me to go in, it's an emergency apparently. I'll be back late. Wait up for me, I need to talk to you." Voldemort decided that he will go to bed instead, if he couldn't kill the muggle, he'd be as annoying as possible.Tyler grabbed his coat and walked out the door. It shut with a slam and suddenly the apartment was filled with an odd silence. He sat there for a minute, lost in thought, when a creak suddenly caught his attention. He looked up to see Quirrell lingering in the doorway, eyeing him warily. They both watched the other, as Quirrell walked in and sat on the other smaller sofa. Quirrell was first to break eye-contact, looking at the floor. After it was made obvious no conversation was going to happen, Voldemort went back to the window and resumed his people watching/torturing in his mind.

The two sat in silence, partially ignoring the other wizard as they were absorbed in their own activities. An hour later though, the street was deserted. Everyone had disappeared off somewhere and Voldemort didn't know what to do. He turned around and almost gasped at what he saw. The coffee table had flowers growing from it. Lots of different colours and different kinds. Quirrell was sat on the floor right next to it, a small smile on his face, his attention stolen by the beautiful plants in front of him. He focused his eyes on an empty spot and whispered something. Suddenly another flower, yellow and bright this time, started to grow right infront of him. Voldemort was shocked. He didn't know Quirrell could perform wandless magic. Only extremely powerful witches and wizards could do that and to be honest, he hadn't thought of Quirrell as powerful. He sat down on the sofa on the opposite side of the table to the smiling wizard. Quirrell looked up at him in surprise, his expression turning sheepish.


"No, it's cool." Voldemort looked over them all. He didn't know the names of any but they looked colourful. One had a flower hanging down slightly that was purple with bits of white on it. Voldemort reached out and touched it slightly with his pale fingertips. Quirrell laughed another one of his beautiful laughs.

"What's so funny?" Voldemort's first reaction was defensiveness. He crossed his arms.

"Th-that flower is c-called Fritillaria m-meleagris. Used to be o-one of my f-favourites and is m-more commonly known a-as Snake's Head!" Oh. Okay, that was kinda funny. Voldemort grinned and this time took a closer look at the flower. It was a deep rich purple with white spots almost in a pattern, but the white spots had mixes of shades of purple in them. They were beautiful....sort of. Voldemort had always dismissed flowers and trodden on them, but this one looked like it needed preserving. Voldemort looked up from his examining to see Quirrell smiling at him.

"I didn't know you could do wandless magic."

"I'm n-not very g-good at it. I s-spent ages on m-making flowers and I p-practised it a l-lot, but otherwise, I-I can't always g-get the right r-result."

"Oh. Okay. Well, they're good." Quirrell blushed, then suddenly frowned. They sat there in awkward silence for a bit. Quirrell lost the frown but something didn't seem quite right in his expression and Voldemort was at a loss of what to say.

"Can you d-do wandless m-magic?"

"Yeah, but not stuff like this. I can do, um.....other spells." At first Quirrell didn't seem to understand and just frowned in confusion. You could tell when it dawned on him because his mouth made an o shape. This time the silence was even more awkward. They both tried looking anywhere but the other as time slowly trickled away.

"Do you, um, want to watch a film?" Voldemort asked. If he didn't come up with something, they'd be in the same position and same awkward silence until Tyler gets home. Quirrell nodded.

"H-How about She's A-All That?" He was grinning.

"I watched it recently and it wasn't great. Can we watch something else?" Quirrell's face fell and Voldemort swore he heard a muttered 'Of course you did.' Voldemort suddenly felt bad, but couldn't really take back what he said. He searched Tyler's massive collection of DVDs.

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