Bepper was speechless.

"Don't worry about it my child, it will all come to you in due time" Lira told Bepper.

"Will Bepper come?" I ask, unsure of the answer.

"She has to participate if she will join you on the throne, but she will be crowned Princess" Lira said.

"M-me? As Princess?!?!!? I never knew I would be Royal!" Bepper said while backing away.

"At least you wont be King, I will be getting all of the work" I said.

Bepper smiled mockingly.

"And your gonna impress all the girls?" Bepper said mockingly.

"Don't you dare..." I say threatingly.

"And your gonna lure them all in when your King?" Bepper said while circling me.

"Shut up Bepper, don't make me-" I said while being cut off.

"Don't make you what? Banish me for saying the truth?" Bepper said while circling me a little fast.

"Shut up and lets get going" I said while walking away.

"Lets get going to get all of the GIRLS!" Bepper said while rushing up to me.

I could feel my cheeks getting hot, thank Lira I have red fur.

"And what are you going to do when your Princess? Take in Skorm and make him your Prince?" I talked back mockingly.

"W-what! N-no!" Bepper said with her own cheeks glowing red.

"I can see that, you got white fur" I said with a little smirk.

"BWHAHAHAHAHA!"We could hear coming behind us.

We both forgot Lira was here the whole time. She was laughing hard.

"Oh my, that was funny, I always love it when siblings to this to each other" Lira said, trying to hold in her laughs.

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Okay, okay, now get going" Lira said while leaving the realm.

"Whats the plan?" Bepepr asked.

"I was thinking, if we get spotted, you can lure all of the normal jammers away from Mt Shiveer while I fight the Alphas and get the Heirloom" I say, "We cannot let innocent Jammers get hurt because of this" I finish.

"Okay, but what if I see any of our friends?" Bepper asked.

"If they see you and start talking to you just..... Just push them away, even if it hurts their feelings, you have to keep pushing them forward" I say. "If you see an Alpha go near you, teleport away, you don't know what they intend to do if they capture one of us" I finish.

"Lets get going" Bepper said.

"Okay, lets go" I say before entering a portal.

[Mt Shiveer]

We could feel the snow around our paws and the breeze against our fur but we are not cold. We are arctic wolves and foxes, of course we wont be cold.

As we are walking, I could sense a shield made of Alpha magic ahead of us.

"Stop" I tell Bepper as I held her back with my paw. "When we enter there, the Alphas will be alerted of our presence" I say.

"So do we have to go with the plan? I chase away when you...." Bepper paused.

"When I fight" I finished for her. "Its okay Bepper, if you are in danger, send a SOS call, the Royal Howl. Remember in our training?" I tell her.

"Yes I do, but what if your in danger?" She asked nervously.

"I will just teleport away or send an SOS call for Lira" I say.

"You ready?" I ask.

"I'm more ready than ever" She finishes.

"Alright! LETS GO!" I said while we both ran inside the shield.

Authors Note

Thank you guys AGAIN for reading this chapter!

I don't know where I would be without you guys <3

I didn't read over this chapter.... Plz tell me if there is any mistakes! THX!

ALSO! I got a second book planned for when I finish this one!

So, I wont be ending this ANY time soon, I am not even past half way through the story soooo!


Its just about to get exciting :D


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