After dinner,next day

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Aphmaus POV
I was in bed since it was 5:00 am so I was texting Katelyn. She told me she was fine since she hid in the closet during the lockdown. I got up and put my white tank top my black skinny jeans and a red head band. I ate a nutrition bar on my way out. I ran to school and sat on the bench since I was still early. I put my earbuds on and listened to music. Then I felt a hand over my shoulder. "Huh?" I said looking to my left. "Hey Aph." Aaron said. "Hi Aaron!" I said taking my earbuds out. "Your here early." He replied. "Yeah I needed some fresh air." I said leaning my head on his shoulder. "So w-." Aaron was beginning before he got interrupted by Millie. "Hey Aaron!" Millie said wrapping her hand on Aaron shoulder from behind. "Millie let go." Aaron said. Millie let go and looked over at me. " why are you hanging out with this nerd?" Millie said wrinkling her nose. I looked down and sighed. "Millie can you please go?" I said. She left and I was still leaning on Aaron's shoulder."don't listen to her Aph." Aaron said. I nodded and then we saw the group come over. "Ooohhh love birds!" Travis said making kissing faces. Aaron and I stood up and told the gang we were a couple. They all looked happy except Katelyn who was furious. Kawaii chan was squealing. The bell rang and Aaron gave me a good bye kiss.

{lunch} because I can :3

Aaron's POV
I walked downstairs to lunch and saw the girls sitting down. I sat next to Aph and we ate lunch. "Cheerleaders ahead." Garroth said looking up. We all looked up to see Sophie, and her squad coming over. "So you dump me to be with this potato?" Sophie said furiously. I nodded. "Why couldn't you die yesterday, Aphmau ?!" Sophie screamed stomping her pink shoes on the cold stone ground. Aph put her fork down and looked down. "WHY DONT YOU LEAVE YOU SON OF AN APPLE?!" Katelyn roared. Sophie got frightened and left. "Aph? Whatever she says is not true."I said holding aphs hand. "I never said I agreed with her.. just words hurt." Aph said grabbing her backpack. The bell rang and I held Aphmaus hand. Then a student came up to me she was in my photography class. "Hi! I'm Anabel! Can I take you picture for best couple?!" She said squealing. We both nodded and then she took a picture.

She squealed again and skipped back to class

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

She squealed again and skipped back to class. Then I had art meanwhile Aph had math. I gave her a goodbye kiss on the forehead we went out separate ways. I sat down next to Ivy. "Hi.. you seem like a really nice guy." Ivy said blushing. "Thanks." I said. "Wanna go see Rings after school?" Ivy said hiding her face in her book. "I-I'm sorry I can't. My girlfriend and I are busy.." I said trying my best not to be mean. "Oh yeah Sophie." Ivy said. "No no we broke up."I said resuming to play attention.

Twilights POV

I sat in the back drawing in my sketchbook. Art was my favorite class but we never done anything sketchy like so I always spaced out. I pushed my black long hair in the back of my ear.

Aphmaus POV
Sadly I was in math I am horrible in math but Aaron gladly said he can tutor me when I go to his place. I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend as great as Aaron. He is always so caring and protective. "Heeeeeyy beautiful." I heard a seductively voice behind me say thinking it was Travis. "Travis I-" I looked up noticing it wasn't Travis it was adam. "Miss me?" He said. I pushed him of my  desk and went to the bathroom. We always had free phone period during this time. DING
Aaron texted me.

More ⬅️.   ❤️️Aaron❤️️

A: hey babe
Aph:hey, can't wait until PE
A: me too, so what were you doing?
Aph:math :( then the boy who touched my face yesterday flirted with me so I pushed him..
A: that moron deserved it. He is lucky I wasn't there.
Aph: haha, yeah
A: have to go see ya in PE babe xo
Aph: bye xo

Aarons POV
I put my phone in my pocket and took out my sketchbook. I sketched for a while, we had 5 more minutes and I texted Aph since we could.

More⬅️   ❤️️babe/aph❤️️
A:hey wanna walk to PE with me?

I put my phone away and stood next to the math class. Aph came out and I tickled her since she didn't see me. "Hahahahaha! A-Aaron!" She said as I stopped. "How was class?"i said as we walked. "Meh, it was math.." she said. "How was class?" She asked me. "Fine." I said getting to PE. I went to the boys locker room and Aph went to girl locker room. I changed into a basic white shirt that said phoenix drop with a Phoenix and black shorts.  I Got out with the rest of the guys and we see the girls getting out. Aph ran to me and head butted into my chest. "Haha you ok?" I said holding her chin. "Yep!" She giggled. "Ok we are playing basketball ! I'll group you all. Coah said.
Aaron, Travis, jazy, and Dante
Aphmau. Katelyn, Millie, and Laurence.
Kawaii chan. Garroth, Sophie, and Lin
Zane, Nicole, cadenza, and gene.
I smirked noticing my team was against aphs. I got a ball and bounced it. I passed it to Dante. Then Katelyn slapped the ball out of dantes hand. We rushed to Katelyn and she made the ball in the hoop and she high fived everyone. BANG BANG!! There was loud gun shots heard outside. We all panicked and people were trying to get in the locker rooms but they were locked. I looked over to the gang and we all panicked but kept our cool. "Aaron!"Aph said clutching onto my waist. The couch told us that the locker rooms lock was jammed and we had to keep calm and be silent. "Their back." I said under my breath. I grabbed aphs hand and we hid in a corner. we quickly sat and Aph was sitting next to me. She grabbed my waist and I put my hands around her. Hopefully they don't make it inside the gym. How did they get out of jail? Aph was much more calm but she still had her eyes shut and wrapping her arm tightly on my waist. Then we heard slight footsteps coming near us. It was Millie. She sat down next to us and just put her head in her knees. Our phones were in the locker room so we couldn't call. "Let us in!" Shouts were heard outside. "Meep!" Aph squeaked. I put my chin on her head and closed my eyes. We heard the people outside trying to set off bombs so I turned around and and wrapped my hands around Aph and hugged her tightly. Making sure she wasn't hit my any brick or a little bit of fire. I felt something hard hit me in the back. "Aaarg." I screeched as I clenched my jaw and held my head down. Aph traced her hands up to my cut. "A-aaron, you hurt!" She said hugging me lightly and crying. "Shh Aph it's ok it doesn't hurt." I lied. "She grabbed her jacket around her waist and tied it to my waist. "This will stop the bleeding for a while." She said soothingly. "Thanks Aph I'm fine, I don't think they got in though."I said insecure if they did get in. We hear another bomb. I turned to her and we got back To the position we were on. My back stung. One of the Gym teachers yelled out that they got the locker door open so we have to go in there. Aph quickly grabbed my arm and put It around her shoulder. "Your okay Aaron. ILL take care of you." She said confidently.

Aarmau / the new boy and the shy girl.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ