In no time at all, he was dressed and at the stables, as his men armored up and got on their steeds. With one final check, Hammond nodded his thanks when Tristan handed his claymore to him. It was like coming home, as he strapped the leather holster to his waist, and felt the heavy weight against his thigh. The balmy winds of the Highlands stirred around them, as horses whinnied and stamped the ground and the clank of metal against metal, the smell of leather lingering in the air. It was the sights, smells and sounds Hammond always associated with war. But this time, it was more then that. This time, it was to get revenge for someone who had become dear to his heart.

"Men, we get the lad back. But more then that, we make MacCallan pay."

The resounding cry that went up around the MacKenzie warriors bolstered their spirits, as they rode off.


"Evie, yer ne'er going to finish packing if ye continue like this." Gillian scolded, glaring at the redhead who now sat cross legged, still in her sleeping gown on her four poster bed. They were in Connor and Evie's bedroom, where two cases were open, with another three locked and shoved to a corner of the room. Clothes were strewn everywhere, with the two opened cases half filled. But Evie only stared at them with dread as she spoke.

"I cannot help it Gilly. I can feel the baby everyday. My mother died in childbirth too. What are the chances it'll happen to me?" she fashed, as a thousand and one improbabilities ran through her head. While it sounded farfetched, even in her whirl of panic and worry for Adair, Amhuinn had to say that she understood where Evie was coming from. It wasn't easy for her the first time either, and she was lucky she had mother there with her. Evie hadn't had a mother's influence since childhood.

"Tell her she's being silly, Ammi." Gillian tried, but Amhuinn shook her head, managing a wane smile when Gillian looked aghast.

"Tis her first time, Gilly. Ye will understand when tis yer turn." she explained, and hid a laugh when the rusty-haired one crossed her arms and steadfastly shook her head.

"Nae, never. I understand the workings of how cow's have their calves. As long as one stays clean and with the necessary equipment and help, it should nae be dangerous." she stubbornly stated.

Amhuinn shook her head, shifting to sift through the case that was half filled with Evie's stuff. Looking at the amount of herbs she was planning to bring, Amhuinn took a few of them to identify, and then shook her head. "But Gilly has her point. Ye shouldna fash overly much. Tisn't good fer the baby."

"Is it?" Evie squeaked, looking concerned all over again.

"Just enjoy the last few weeks yer having with yer husband. I promise ye I'll be around when the time comes." Amhuinn murmured with a reassuring smile. "Now let me go and get those-"

"I'll come with ye!" Gillian popped up immediately. Amhuinn shook her head.

"Tis just a short walk down ter my room, Gilly. There is nae need."

"But Hammon-"

"I am not that silly ter do anything. Besides, we heard them go off awhile ago. I canna possibly follow them on foot, can I?" the blonde reassured.

Gillian stared at Amhuinn, pondering if the words should be taken into account when Evie piped up. "I could use your help to finish packing too! I told Connor I'll be done by the time he returns, and I'll be in big trouble if he comes back and finds the state of the room."

The younger MacKenzie considered, but in the end the need to help her cousin won, and Amhuinn said she'd be back in just a couple of minutes, before slipping out.

A Minx for the MacKenzie [Highlanders Love #2]Where stories live. Discover now