Chapter 40

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"Craving your love only.."-H


Hazel's POV

"Hazel?" I turn around from trying to escape and look up up only to see Niall with bruises up his arms and a big bruise across his cheek that looks extremely painful.

"Niall? What are you doing here?" I say rushing to him giving him a tight warm hug, He has gotten skinnier but still manages to look charming. Niall isn't really a mean person when I first met him he was the one to actually sorta help me in a way and I feel more comfortable near him and Zayn, They are the only people I could actually trust at the moment.

"I was with my girlfriend earlier and then Harry called me over for a man hangout but it ended up being the wrong way, He kept beating me down telling me how stupid I am for giving you the confidence to run.." He mumbles.

Guilty. I feel extremely guilty for pulling all of these innocent people into this mess, It's mostly my fault for not staying with him so no one can get hurt. I always mess things up and I try not to but end up messing things up anyway as usual.

"Oh Niall, I'm sorry for putting you in the middle of this. I should've stayed with him so no one can get hurt.." I repeat.

His eyes widen in shock of my words, His look towards me looks like I killed someone.

"Are you crazy? You did the right thing by leaving, I promise you we will get out of this hell hole or at least you will!" He confirms.

I shake my head at his words.

"We're both gonna get out of here safely and back where we belong.." I say tightening my grip on his hand and giving him a light smile.

I look around the small living room trying to find another way to escape for the both of us since all the windows are locked, What if we break the window?

"Your birthday is in 2 days?" Niall says, I jump at his voice and nod my head.

"Gonna be turning 18 and that's when Harry and I are supposedly getting married." I huff running my fingers through my two french braids.

His eyebrows furrow at my words not believing the things Harry wants me to do. I can't even believe the things Harry wants me to do especially marrying him, I am not gonna marry him and he can't force me to either. He can try but he'll eventually fail because I want to get married with a guy I love and doesn't abuse me or rape me.

"Liam told me most the things that happened to you such as the accident and running away, At least you tried.." He says with a light shrug.

"Yeah I-" I get cut off by a loud bang knocking the front door straight to the ground, dust fills the air for a moment not letting me see the person who knocked the door down. I fan the air finally getting a sight of the figure, My heart skips a beat when I see who it is rushing Niall and I out the door.

"Zayn? How? What?" I ask confused but he doesn't say a thing pushing us towards a giant black truck that looks new, He must've got it from someone escaping from Anne and Liam I'm guessing.

"Zayn? How? What?" I ask confused but he doesn't say a thing pushing us towards a giant black truck that looks new, He must've got it from someone escaping from Anne and Liam I'm guessing

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Niall and I hop inside and Zayn zooms down the bumpy road trying to get away fast as possible from someone.

"I found you by asking Anne, Well more of a threat but I still found you. I escaped by kicking Harry right in the stomach and biting off his cheap ass rope that was tightened around my arms and legs.." He said showing his red marked arms that is from the rope being on him.

He continues looking back at the rear view mirror and on the road, He turns around checking the back window just to make sure no one is following us.

"Here's the plan, My friend owns a plane and he'd like us to be there before 5pm, I called him with a phone obviously not mine since mine is all shattered but it's okay, Niall you coming along to London?" Zayn asks.

I nod my head answering for Niall, He's gonna have to stay with me just so Harry won't find him and threaten him to help find me or even kill him.

"Wait, Scarlett! My girlfriend!" He mutters.

"We'll ring her up and tell her everything when we have a chance, Right now we have to get to London and go straight to the police station no distractions.." Zayn says speeding down the desert like.

"Do you even know where you're going?" I ask not trying to be in a place he doesn't even know where we could possibly be at

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"Do you even know where you're going?" I ask not trying to be in a place he doesn't even know where we could possibly be at.

He nods his head pressing the gas paddle down more making the truck roar down the dry rocky road.

"Did you steal this truck?" I question, He shakes his head no once again. He looks back up at the rear view mirror checking over and over again.

"Harry could be speeding up to us but he isn't surprisedly not yet.." Zayn mumbles, My stomach drops and I cross my fingers hoping he doesn't.

"Hey.." Niall says making my attention move to him immediately.

His hand wraps around mine and give it a tight squeeze before giving me a light smile.

"Remember, We will get out of this I promise.." Niall whispers as I light smile crosses over both of our faces.

Do you like any of Zayn's music?

I love every single song he has!

This book is almost coming to an end..

But wait there is more.

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