I Can Fix That

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Serena's POV

"OMA ITS SERENA YVONNE THE FAMOUS ACTRESS!" A random fan yells out loud causing a crowed to quickly form around the famous 18 year old actress as I exited the shooting grounds where I had been shooting sences for my next movie.

"SERENA! WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?!" "SERENA I LOVE YOU!" Said various fans as camera's began to flash in my eyes causing me to stop in my tracks which was a bad mistake because now I was completely surronded by fans with no escape.

But I was soon saved by my well know boyfriend Calem who aggressively moved the fans out of the way, pushing them onto the ground as he created a path towards Serena's limonene, which I felt was a bit mean because I loved all of my fans but I didn't argue with his tactics.

Wegot into the million dollar vehicle and drove off.

"Thanks for the save babe." I said to her boyfriend, while giving him a small peck on the cheek but I didn't get a responce from Calem who I noticed seemed to be deep in thought.

"Calem? Are you ok? You have seem to have been a bit distant lately." I asked him with concern for my boyfriend willing mu voice.

"What... Ah, yeah I'm fine. I-it's nothing." Calem responded, sounding a bit on edge as he did so. Lately Calem has been acting very weird around me, he began to spend less time with me and began to show less and less love towards me everytime that they meet.

Though we had only been dating for 3 weeks now and it was too soon for me to decide if I actually loved him or if I just liked him. I wanted to be sure that I found the right person for me. The thought had crossed my mind though that he could just be using me for the fame. But Calem didn't seem like that type of guy... well at least not to me.

The limosine parked right outside my house, which was a big two story house with enough room in it to fit a minimum of 500 people.

I hoped out of the limo and began to walk towards my house ready to get some rest as I had a long day shooting scenes for my next movie and was now exhausted and just wanted to fall asleep.

Once I reached the front door I turn around and realised that Calem didn't follow me which made me a little sad. Instead he got into his car and drove off, not telling me where he was going or what he was doing which to me gives off a bad vibe.

'He has probably got some work to attend to.' I thought, wanting to stay positive but I couldn't ignore the fact that Calem has been leaving me a lot lately and didn't return until late at night.

But I didn't let his strange behaviour get to me as I believed that he was just busy and once he is done working they would spend more time together let how they first did.

I entered my home, locking the door behind me and carelessly kicking me red high heels off my feet, not caring where they ended up, and made my way to her kitchen where I planned to cook myself some dinner.

Though I was famous and very wealthy I still cooked for myself as it gave me something to do and to be honest, I actually enjoyed cooking, even as a child I would try and help my Mum in the kitchen in what ever way I can.

I made my way over to the kitchen sink to wash the lettuce for the salad which I had planed to have with some left over stake which I had originally planned to share with my boyfriend but he didn't come home until 2 O'clock in the morning.

"Hhmmm? Why is the sink full?" I says to myself out loud because no one else was in the house. I observed water overflowing the kitchen sink which was unusual so I went and took a closer look.

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