If You Leave

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Stacy looked at Mark and watched as he was on the phone. Margaret sighed and then spoke "Why haven't you came home huh? I haven't seen you in 2 almost 3 days." Mark looked back at Stacy and Dave with a frown on his face, Mark started to walk towards the front door and walked out into the hall closing the door behind him. Dave looked at Stacy "Well who do you think that could be?" Stacy huffed "Who else would it be besides that bitch who keeps trying to kill me of course." Dave shook his head looking at Stacy "Well what are you gonna do?" Stacy leaned back on her sofa and looked up at the ceiling frowning "I don't know yet." Mark walked back into the apartment and gathered all of his things, Stacy sat up and watched him and so did Dave. As Mark was heading for the door, Stacy stood up "Mark! If you leave if you walk out this time I will never forgive you at all." She said to him hoping that he would turn around put his things down and be with her once and for all. Mark didn't turn around he stayed there and looked down "I'm sorry." He said as he opened the door and walked out closing it behind him, Dave looked at Stacy and frowned as he knew that she was about to cry, he had gotton up and walked towards her; Stacy layed her head in his shoulder and she started to cry hard.

        Later on that night Stacy layed in be and was thinking to herself "Why...why did he walk out?" She could believe that he choose Margaret over her. She wondered what did she say to him to make him come running back to her, besides the fact that they are getting married and gonna be together forever. She didn't want to let it bother her too much; but she didn't want to be seen as stuiped by letting him right back in. She realized that she had to stick to her words; but was this really the end she would let him go and never speak to him again, he would go on to marry Margaret and be happy, the treats and coincidental accidents besides the last incident would just all go away. All if she would just stay away from him and stop dragging him into her life, if only she could have just said congratulations on your wedding; instead if trying to catch up and be close to her high school crush. She felt so stupid, not only did she give her time and patience, she also gave her body and soul. Stacy closed her eyes and began to cry to herself, she felt that she was better off going to back to her normal life of work, going out with Dave and friends having fun, all of the normal things without Mark in the picture.

         Stacy was parked in the parking lot of her work building, she didn't want to go inside and have to look and face Mark. She knew it wasnt gonna be easy, you just don't get over things fast and move on as if it didn't happen; you can always pertend as much as you want but it still never really goes away it takes time. She just sat there and looked down in a daze. Suddenly a knock came at her window that shook her up, she looked put the window to see Dave standing there "What is wrong with you girl?" Dave then walked around and got into her car and closed the door  "Okay talk to me? Cause you certainly are not acting like yourself?" Stacy looked at him "How am I suppose to go in there and face him, talk to him and pertend I didn't say what I did last night?" Dave rolled his eyes and looked at her "You just be you girl, you have gave him his chances and he really don't want to take the picture. So sometimes you have to drop people to let them know you ain't playing they're games anymore." Stacy looked at him and smiled, she knew in her heart this is why Dave was her best friend in the world; he always knew all the right things to say to her to make her feel better and realize she was better then this. Dave reached over grabbed her hand "Now come on, let get in here do our work and after work go out, cause honey I'm in the mood to get wasted as ever." They both laughed and then got out of the car heading into the office. Stacy headed into her office; she didn't even bother to look at Mark, but she wasn't gonna be completely petty so she said "Good morning." Mark looked at her and said it back to her. Stacy continued to keep to herself through out the day, Mark would look at her every now and then; he wanted to speak with her but remembered what she had said to him yesterday, but only is he could tell her the reason he had to walk out that night he would tell her everything, but now was not the time.

          Later that night Dave watched Stacy as she was throwing back drink after drink "You keep going you either gonna get alcohol posion or you gonna throw up." She smirked looking at him "I will be fine, I'm always fine and you know that." He rolled his eyes at her "Well I can't tell by the way you drinking this shit like water." Stacy laughed, she then walked on to the dance floor and started to dance. Dave kept a close eyes on her making sure she would be okay; she was dancing a random guy comes up from behind and started to dance with her. Dave sighed "Ain't this some shit, I said I wanted to get wasted not we get wasted." He said as turned to take down his shot. As he turned back around Stacy and the mystery man was no where to be find, he started to grab his belongings and walked out. Stacy and the mystery man were on the ally, she looked at him "Where are you taking me?" She asked; he didn't say a word as he pushed her up against the wall and started to kiss her lips, she groaned a little. The mystery man reached up and tried to caress her chest, Stacy pushed him away "I really don't want your hands all over me." He smirked at her "You were fine when we were in the club together." She laughed "Yes but that was no more then a dance, I don't want to go home with you." She said and started to laugh. "So then you are the type that likes to lead people on then?" Dave walkd outside and looked around for Stacy, he then looked down the alley way and seen her with the mystery man. "Answer me you bitch!?" Stacy looked at him with a more serious face "Okay it's time to go home, I'm leaving" he grabbed her and shoved her back into the wall "No you are not going anywhere." He said; she tried again to get away from him, he then slapped her Dave came running over towards them and punched the guy in the face "Get your dirty ass hands off my friend!" He yelled at the man, then man then tries to get back up; but Stacy wasn't having it and kicked him where the sun don't shine. Dave then grabbed her hand and they both ran to the car got in, Dave started to car and took off.

            Dave looked at Stacy "What the hell where you thinking anyways leaving with that guy?" Stacy smirked "I didn't really know that all of that was gonna happen okay?" "Well next time we go out bitch I'm drinking and you gonna have to be the designated driver bitch, cause no just no." Stacy started to laugh "I'm sorry you right I shouldn't have had as many as I did." Dave looked at her and smiled "You lucky I love your ass." She smiled as well "I love you too Dave." They both seem like they were gonna cry "Bitch don't get all weak on me okay." Dave said to her; she looked at him "I got your back and you got mines always." Dave held back his tears "Always." Dave then pulled up to Stacy apartment and dropped her off; She walked inside and sat down on her sofa looking around she noticed that she was alone and lonely then ever, but she didn't let it get to her she felt maybe it was really best to move on; and that was what she was gonna do regardless she had to for her best interest and for Mark's as well. But was it all gonna really be that easy as she felt it would, she sighed and layed back and just closed her eyes and continued to just think to herself.

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