Get It Togather

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Stacy woke up in her bedroom at her at her old house she never slept so good in her life. She looked around as it looked the same as it did the day she left for college she smiled as she remembered that day her parents couldn't be more proud of her. She took in a big sniff and smell her mothers famous home made chicken soup cooking she then got out of bed and walked into the bathroom closed the door to shower moments later she was dressed and walked downstairs she could hear her mother and father talking she slowly walked towards the kitchen and looked at them both her mother looked at her and smiled walking over towards her with her arms out "Come here baby girl" Stacy walked over towards her mother and gave her a hug Stacy then pulled away from her mother and walked over and hugged her father "Sit down and let momma get you something to eat " Stacy pulled away from her father and sat down ad her mother prepared her food she looked back at her "You didn't want to explain what you showed up out of the blue for last night but you gonna have to explain now" she said as she handed Stacy her food.
Stacy sat there as as she explain what had happened her mother looked at her shocked "I know times get rough girl but I raised you better then that why in the hell did you leave huh and as for Mark he is a men and a human they are known to make stupid unquestionable mistakes" Stacy laughed as she looked at her father her mother smacked her hands Stacy looked at her "Girl I'm not playing with you at all this ain't no joke so you should already know what you have to do" Stacy frowned and looked down at her hands and back to her parents "Yes". Stacy had finished packing her things she looked around her room and smiled she then grabbed her bag and the talked downstairs her parents looked at her and smiled as they both hugged her out of the blue a knock can at the door Stacy walker over and opened it it was Dave "What the hell are you doing here?" Dave smiled "Nice to see you too my friend" Stacy smiled and looked at him she then turned and looked at her parents "Goodbye" her dad smiled "Bye baby girl" Stacy then turned and grabbed Dave by the arm and walked out of the house. "I knew that you would be here " Stacy laughed "Yeah I'm so sorry and so stupid for running away" Dave looked at her and frowned "I was wondering if you we're going to come to you senses girl" Stacy laughed and looked down and looked back at him "How is Mark?" Dave looked at her as they both started to walk to they're car's "He is a hot mess girl everything at the office is falling apart people don't want to work together cause your not there and they are rebelling like they ain't got no heads I think you need to get back there ad talk to them" Stacy opened the door to her car "Don't worry my mom talked some sense into me so I got this" Dave smiled as he opened his car door as well "I have never been so happy to hear those words in my life" the both then started they're car and drive off.
Stacy walked into work the next day she dropped her bag as she had seen the office was a mess everything was destroyed and broken a couple of employees walked in talking she turned and looked at them "Who did this?" They looker at her and stuged they're shoulders. Mark and Dave then walk in and looked at the office in shock Mark then walked over towards Stacy looking at her "What happened here?" She looked at him and frowned "I don't know I walked in and it was already like this I can't understand who would do this and why" Mark looked at her and could see that they're was hurt in her eye's he grabbed her and pulled her close and gave her a hug he knew that she worked so hard on the project with everyone and it hurt to see something you work hard for be destroyed. Stacy embraced the hug and frowned she then pulled away and started to pick up the papers off the floor "It's okay we cab fix this I know we can we have time to do it today" Mark looked at her like she was mad "No.... no Stacy it will take all day to get back to where we were so for right now let's close up late a step back relax and figure out who did this okay" she looked at him and shook her head. Later that afternoon Stacy Mark and Dave all sat in her apartment "I still can't believe someone would do that knowing we worked so hard" Dave laughed a little "I told you they went stupid after you left" "No this was someone with a personal problem I just know it" Mark looked at her "Yeah someone really is trying to damage what we where doing" they all sighed Dave then stood up "Okay well I must get going I'm tired and I have a date later so see y'all tomorrow" Stacy looked at him "Okay" Mark looked at him "Bye man" Dave then walked out closing the door behind him. Stacy and Mark both sat there in silence for a bit while until "Mark look I'm sorry I was so damn stupid about everything I didn't really give you a chance to explain yourself I just was so mad and upset" Mark looked at her and got up and walked over and sat down beside her "It's okay I didn't mean what I had said at the party it's just that Margaret's father had threaten the business if I hurt his daughter and I couldn't find the words to say cause if there is no business they're is no more you and the others who don't deserve a punishment for my fuck up" Stacy looked at him she felt like shit to jump to conclusion so fast without listening first "Oh my God I'm so sorry Mark" "It's okay" Stacy looked down she didn't feel like it was alright Mark then reached out and grabbed her chin and looked at her in the eye's Stacy looked back at him she blushed Mark then lend in and kissed her lips softly Stacy gave into the kiss and moaned out softy she then pulled away and looked at him "Why Mark why do you have to keep playing with my emotions like this huh one day your all over me and then the next you Don want me at all I can't keep going through this my heart won't and can't take it longer" Mark looked at her and frowned "I'm sorry that I have been so confusing and I must confess I really don't know what I really want. Stacy then frowned" Well you will have to figure it out soon or later cause I want you and as much as I want to I'm not gonna hold myself back anymore" he blushed and kissed her lips again "I don't want you to any more" he then moved back in and kissed her again

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