The Devils Daughter

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  Stacy was so mad she sat on her couch and looked around as she thought about how the fuck that Mark could hurt her like he did. What did she do wrong to deserve that how could he look her on the face and be so fucking cruel, Stacy frowned she reached beside her and grabbed the remote to her TV turned it on and began to flip through the channels she then sighed to herself "Damn how did I let myself become so weak to this man" she thought to herself she the  grabbed the bottle of liquor is had on the table and began to chugging it down. Stacys cell phone then began to rang she looked at it and sighed as she already knew it was her best friend calling to see if she was okay she didn't answer she ignored it. As she turned her attention back to the TV a knock came at the door Stacy looked at her front door and frowned she got up slowly walking over and answering it "What?" Dave looked at her with a frowned on his face "Girl you look like one big ass hot mess you know that."

          Stacy smirked as he said that "Come on in" Dave walked inside he walked over and sat down on the couch "So what is you gonna tell me or will I have to force it out of you myself huh?" Stacy made a face she could feel herself about to cry she walked over and slammed herself down on the couch beside Dave. "I hate to admit it but I'm in love Dave I really am but yesterday seemed so perfect" Dave looked at her confused "Yeah it did so what happened, why you sitting here drinking and watching TV in the dark huh?" "We kissed yesterday and then Margaret came calling and when he was done talking to me he told me it was a mistake that he didn't mean it" Dave looked at Stacy with his mouth wide open in shock "Oh hell naw I will slap the hell out of that fool for saying that girl, you are not a mistake" Stacy started to cry now she couldn't hold it back anymore she was angry with him, Dave reached for her and hugged her really tightly and close to him he felt so sorry for his best friend "It's okay girl he don't deserve you anyway you are way better then that anyways so calm your pretty little ass down."

           After what seemed like forever Stacy fell off to sleep Dave sat there and rubbed her head as he watched her sleep. The next morning Stacy woke up in her bed it was time for another day of work she looked around and pulled herself out of bed and sighed as she wasn't ready to face Mark after the way he made her feel but she didn't care. She pulled herself from bed and frowned was she walked to her bathroom she looked into the mirror and sighed again "Come on pull yourself together he ain't even worth it" she then began to shower. She pulled up to work and took on last look at herself in her rear view mirror  and smiled "I got this" she then got out of her car and walked into work with a big smile on her face. Dave seen her and smiled "Morning beautiful" Stacy looked at Dave and smiled "Morning boo"  she then walked back to her office and walked into to see Margaret and Mark there kissing and playing around they both turned and looked at her Margaret frowned "Well I should get going baby"  she got off of his lap and fixed her dress and walked pass Stacy with an evil smile on her face and closed the door behind her.

        Stacy walked over and sat down at her desk she logged on to her computer and out of the corner of her eye's she could see that Mark was fixing himself as well. Mark looked at Stacy with a frown and sighed she didn't  pay him any mind "Stacy" she didn't say anything as she heard him say her name "Stacy" he said again she then looked at him "I'm sorry were you talking to me" Mark looked down and licked his lips "Look Stacy about the other day I..."  Stacy started to laugh Mark looked at her confused "Your still on that shit look it's  like you said Mark it never happened remember" "Yeah but.... " he began to say Stacy frowned"But what it's over forget the shit happened okay cause I would like to forget that I was fucking disrespected like that thank you very much" she was pissed that he even brought it up she looked at him Mark could see red in her eye's as if she was the devil's daughter or something he knew that he should leave it alone and just shut his mouth before it got more out of hand so he did for the rest of the day noting was said between the two night had came and before you knew it they both went they're own ways..

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