Ch5: Contendite Sanabit [Strive to Heal]

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"This is the portrait of Patience DeMerde – she guards your new common room. The password, Mr Malfoy," McGonagall added looking sidelong at the blonde Slytherin, "Is Contendite sanabit."

Malfoy rolled his eyes and Hermione snorted delicately as the portrait of the young girl opened, and as the other Eighth years started through the door, Harry looked around quickly, not actually sure where they were – after a few seconds he realised they were on the fifth floor, not far from the Prefects Bathroom; around the corner was the corridor Fred and George had transfigured into a swamp in their prank crusade against Umbridge.

"Harry?" Hermione asked, pausing in the doorway and looking back at him, and he smiled and followed her through into their new dorm.

The layout of the room was what hit Harry first – it was an odd shape. At first look it seemed square, but he could see that it actually had a nook off to one side and the back wall was actually on an angle. The wallpaper was a light, warm brown that matched the wooden floors and the leather couches that sat in front of a roaring fire. The room was lit very well – there were candles placed strategically around the strangely shaped room so that every oddly angled corner was lit. The ceiling was high, and above the entranceway was a loft that appeared to be a miniature study and library area – Harry could already see Hermione edging over to the spiral staircase in the corner with interest, and the Ravenclaws weren't far behind her. Scattered through the room were comfortable looking chairs, and in the far corner there was a chess board. One wall was made up almost entirely of windows that, after a few seconds thinking, Harry reasoned must look out over the lake – below the windows was a long cushioned window seat, and it was here that the Gryffindors sat together.

The Slytherins had commandeered the couch, and Harry grinned as Anthony Goldstein threw himself down on the ground by the fire, settling out in a comfortable sprawl. The Ravenclaw caught Harry's eye and gave him a cheeky wink, clearly aware of Justin's pursed lips as he settled himself carefully in the chair nearest the fire, the Hufflepuff obviously not approving of Anthony's choice of seat. Harry wiped the grin from his face as McGonagall stood before them, her pronounced silence becoming louder as the group took their time getting settled.

"If you are all comfortable," she said dryly after a moment, and Harry had to stop himself smiling. He'd missed his old head of house – the woman could say more with one precisely raised eyebrow than most could with their mouths.

"Now, before I let you free for the evening, I am afraid we have a few things we need to cover. First and foremost – your schedules will be delivered tomorrow morning, but they will be different to what you are no doubt expecting. This is because your heads of houses and I have agreed that as your being here is somewhat... unconventional, you will have more responsibilities than the younger students. Because of the size of your year group, and because it has been difficult to organise your timetables, your class schedules are going to be very different than usual." Harry could see Hermione biting her lip nervously out of the corner of his eye and he patted her knee absently to reassure her, but the bookworm didn't even react, so focussed was she on McGonagall.

"You will all be attending your usual core classes, which include Charms, Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts and History of Magic. These Eighth Year classes will include information that you should have learnt last year, but they will also be adjusted for your more mature skill level. Another change we are implementing as of this year is that Muggle Studies is now compulsory from first year through to seventh, so you will all be attending that as your last core class, alongside your House mates in Seventh Year. I don't think I need to explain to you why we have made this decision." There was a heavy silence as she stared around the room. No one spoke, and after a pause, McGonagall moved on.

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