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Oi, people! Welcome to my new book! I thought I'd give an intro thing to prove that I am a credible source about swimming and introduce myself, blah blah blah, because why not? It's a free country, am I right? Anyway, my name's Sarah, and I'm a swimmer. I swim for my high school and year round for a USA Swimming team. Hopefully you are a swimmer too, because that would make me happy, but if you aren't, that's cool too! I'm equally excited that nonswimmers are reading this! If anyone actually does read this, haha. So anyway, I've been swimming competitively for quite a while, and it's become a crucial part of my life. I decided to create this book so I could have a place to vent my sorrows about the #FunnestSport (sorry, guys, I had to. You're welcome, USA Swimming. Free advertising right here!) but also so that I could share my experiences with other people because, in my opinion, some of them are pretty funny! If you like what I write (or if you dislike it, because we all could use critics), please comment or vote or follow me! I take the time to read all of my comments, although they are admittedly few. I will also reply to your comments, so if you want to start a conversation with an energetic, fun, slightly crazy person, I'm right here! Oh, yeah, and I named this Tales From the End Lane firstly because I think it sounds cool and unique, but also because I always train in the end lane and we have some pretty wild stuff going on. Also, please note that I have changed everyone else's name and every school name and such for confidentiality purposes. Thanks for understanding! So yeah. Without further ado, read on to be introduced more thoroughly to mah craziness! Love y'all!

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