"Raven," he said my name, and my head snapped in his direction.

He turned and looked at me. "Kneel."

I felt a strange, dark pull to grant his command. But I did not. I would not.

Instead, I scoffed. "You must be out of your mind."

I need to get out of here. Now.

Something sparked in his coal-black eyes.

I wanted to run.

He started to make his way toward me and as he did so, he took me in. His eyes traveling from my feet, up to my exposed legs, my hips, waist, arms, breasts, neck, and last...face.

He looked young, older than Xander, but still young. Yet I could see age in his eyes.

I couldn't tell if he was attractive or not.

The Ruler of the Underworld was wearing a black t-shirt and dark jeans.

One thing was certain. Cole looked like a beast. He was covered in muscles and scars. Except for his face, it was impeccable, but--

"I'm going to tell you again," he said, his words slow and menacing. His eyes bore into mine."Kneel."

My left leg gave out. "Fück," I gasped, and quickly fought the urge to bring down my other knee. A searing pain started bubbling in my stubborn leg, but I didn't mind it. I was not kneeling to Cole.

He stared at me.

"You're tough." He said, "tougher than I thought," again, that glint in his eyes came back. 

"Fück you." I spat at his feet, sweat dripping down the back of my neck.

He brought his arm back, slapping me hard across the face. The world spun and my eyes immediately welled up with tears. It hurt, but I didn't make a sound.

I tasted blood in my mouth, and swallowed it.

Clyma's words echoed in my head, Don't fight him. He'll only make your stay unbearable.

Suddenly, he grabbed me by the waist and stood me up. Right away, I felt my legs loosen up and gain back their strength--just like that.

That's when I saw a girl making her way towards Cole. She was naked, her wavy, brown hair cascading down around her shoulders. I noticed how she kept her gaze downward. Had she been here the whole time?

I tried to compose myself, stepping back and bringing my hand up to touch my stinging cheek.

Maybe she could help me?

My eyes followed the girl. But even when Cole grabbed her chin, she didn't make eye contact.

"Look at me," he told her. She quickly looked up. Her eyes were blue, just like Xander's, only a little darker. My heart squeezed. She slid her hand up his chest then stopped when she reached the back of his neck, snaking closer to him. She was slow and quiet, her attention solely on Cole.

She breathed something in his ear.

Cole put his arms around her naked body. Her back was facing me. I began to feel uncomfortable. The knife hidden under my dress itched.

I could make a run for it. I could just slip out the door.

But Cole was staring at me. Even as he inhaled the scent of her hair and ran his hands down her body, his dark eyes didn't leave mine.

I still ran out the door, because truthfully, I didn't care. I knew I wasn't going to survive this. The plan was trash.

I yanked the door open and sprang out, only to be grabbed and slammed against the wall.

Deja vu, sharp and awful, seeped through my veins.

I screamed.

And screamed and screamed.

What was I thinking?

It was Moses, smiling at me and pushing me back into the room. I stumbled and fell into Cole's arms.

I didn't move. He held me possessively close. And all I could feel was Cole. Cole's smell, Cole's touch, Cole's presence--all of it, suffocating me. I trembled. He caressed my curls. Tears streamed down my face and, for the first time in a very long time, I let them.

"We meet at last, Raven."


A/N: sorry for the wait!!! Hope you guys are enjoying the story 😁

Also, ignore any mistakes, this is not edited.

Have a happy Saturday!

nessie xoxo

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