"Why don't you go with uncle Pete on Saturday and Sunday and try to get some openings to take some pictures for some bands."

"That's actually a good idea!" I raised my voice in excitement and he patted my head trying to calm me down.

"Yeah I know cause I came up with it."

I rolled my eyes at him and got up from the table and gave him a hug. I let go and grabbed my phone from my back pocket. "I'm going to call Pete right now and I'll see you tonight," I kissed his cheek and went to the living room to grab my purse.

"Wait where are you going?"

"Hell," I joked and grabbed my keys. My hand opened the door and I quickly shut it.

"Please be here when I get back home, please." I begged him and then walked out. A part of me wanted to stay in the house and cry to my dad but I knew it would do nothing to solve my problem. I got in in my car and shut the door, the warm heat greeted my cold body and instantly wish I brought a jacket. I put the key in the ignition and let the engine roar to life, the radio buzzed to life and started to play a random song I did not know. I plugged in my phone to the aux cord cable and pressed on Pete's contact.

The phone stared to ring and I drove out of my driveway and onto the street of my neighborhood.

"Hello?" Pete's groggy voice was heard threw out the car, and I giggled.

"Hey Pete get ready I'm picking you up," I spoke and his loud was heard. I made a left turn on a street and got into the busy streets of Los Angeles, I speed up and passed a green light, I turned on the right turn signal and got into the freeway.

"yeah sure, what time should I be outside?"

"I think in about twenty, and Pete don't tell anyone about this."

I hung up and focused on the busy road. I looked at what speed i was at and made it go higher. Horrible idea to be honest but I was still at the speeding limit.

I soon slowed down when I saw exist 10 in view and turned to the right quickly and dropped my speed to fourty when the road made a curve.

My hand found its way to the car horn at one point when Pete didn't answer his phone. I soon saw his house door open and saw him running out to my car. I snorted when I saw that he too wasn't wearing a jacket.

"So what are we doing?"

"We are going to Tate's house but you will stay in the car, then we will go out for ice cream and I'll spill the tea," I joked and grabbed my phone. I put the car in park and got onto my messages. I pressed Tate's and gave him the phone so he could read the messages.

"I suggest you catch up on why we're going to his house and when you finish I'll answer any questions you have," I said and looked at him cautiously. I would of told my dad but I knew he would just get upset and want to punch him. Pete was a rational guy and he wouldn't do anything to provoke the cops.

"Did he hurt you?" He set my phone on the cup holder and I didn't answer. I didn't know how to, and I don't know if it would matter.

I started to drive out of his neighborhood and back to my house, well Tate's house.

"Yes, it's actually not the first time he has hurt me...both physically and emotionally." I cleared my throat and looked straight ahead of me. An open freeway, my gut told me to speed up.

I let out a forced laugh, "I fucking hate love Pete. Love never wanted me, I'm just an other lonely address on the same lonely road."

"Love fucking sucks," I let out a sigh and gripped the steering wheel. My knuckles turned white from how tight I was holding it and I didn't plan on letting the pain get to me. He saw what was happening and instantly made me get off the road and stop the car.

"Carter look at me, look." He put his fingers under my chin and lifted my heavy head full of morning thoughts in order to look at his eyes. Eyes that showed pure love and care.

"Everything's going to be okay, okay? Just breath in through the noise and out through the mouth." He mimicked my actions of trying to take control of my breathing. He unbuckled his seatbelt and wrapped his warm arms around my cold body. I let out a whimper and then started to tell him what made me like this.

My words wouldn't stop, they just kept coming out like word vomit. I wanted to stop so badly so I said something that shut me up for good. Something I knew I'd regret.

"He forced me in to having sex with him, Pete! For fucks sake who does that, I wanted to be loved not be turned into a damn object."

The car was silent for a long while. Until he opened his door and slammed it shut, I saw him pacing around on the cement full of gravel. I didn't know what to do so I just sat in my seat, dumbfounded. Hot tears stained my cheeks, my eyes burned from crying. My throat was sore from the sobbing and how badly i was being suffocated with my crying.

The door opened again and he sat in the passengers seat, silent. All he did was run hi hand though his hair and seem to ponder on something. He wanted to say something so badly but didn't know how.

"P-peter?" I stuttered out and let out an even bigger sob out. I retained myself from crying but found myself trying to breath despretly.

"Breath in through the noise and out through the mouth," he instructed. This time it was more to himself then to me, tho I knew it was for the both of us. He turned off the car and let my keys fall onto his lap.

Being A Single Parent (Pt. 1)Where stories live. Discover now