Chapter 13 Lovely day

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Chapter 13

Lovely day

I walked into the living room. There was Thorin. He was playing the harp. It was a song I knew. He was singing.

"Beautiful day, I only need the one I love. If the rain falls down it doesn't matter. I am with you." I sang with Thorin. He stopped.

"You are quite a good singer." He said. I blushed.

"Ya think so Thorin?" I asked still red as a rose. Thorin nodded.

"I think so." Thorin said with a smirk on his face. I laughed.

"Thank you Thorin." I said.

He laughed and got up. He put the cloth on the harp. Thorin sat on the couch. He patted the space next to him. I sat down next to him. I leaned into him. He stroked my hair. Thorin let me lie over him. Thorin looked at me. Our eyes met. His sparkling grey eyes looking into my diamond blue that Thorin described as the arkenstone. He smiled and looked at the window.

"I think you are perfect in every way." Said Thorin. I smiled slightly. He lifted me up. I sat next to him. He stood up and smiled.

"I will be back in a bit." Thorin said walking out of the room. I sat waiting for him to return. That party, when was it? He returned.

"Thorin. When is the party?" I asked.

"Next weekend. Saturday." Thorin said. Thorin jumped on the couch and pined me down.

"Thorin? What are ya doing?" I wondered. He kissed me in the lips for minutes.

"Thorin?" I mumbled into his lips. He pulled away.

"What Safur?" He asked. I looked at him.

"What are ya doing?" I asked.

"I wanted to do that for while." He said. He was still pining me down. I let him kiss me again. We enjoyed the moment we had together. He pulled away from me out of breath.

"You... a...are a...a g..good..kisser."He said. Thorin breathed heavily still pining me down and looked into my eyes.

"U..Uh ...h..have ...lip...lipstick..on..y...your...c..cheek."I said trying to get my breath back. He wiped his face and lied down on me. I smiled. A man has never done that before to me. Thorin treats me different. Like I am a princess. Even though he is the prince I get treat like the royal. He sighed.

"There is a reason why I went to work. It wasn't just because I was trying to get my job back." He told me.

"Why did ya go then?" I asked.

"Can't tell you." He said. The week flew by and soon it was the party.

Thorin's love for me: True loveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant