Chapter 3 party time

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Chapter 3

Party time

I walked towards where the voice was coming from. There he was. Yelling at someone. Who was it? I walked closer. It was his sister.

"She is one Thorin!" She yelled. Thorin turned round. I couldn't look at him. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Thorin asked. I looked at him.

"I was wondering if you and you're family wanted to come round to a party that my brothers and cousin are having." I asked. Thorin smiled. He looked at his sister and back to me.

"Yes I will. I will get my family and meet you there. I will meet you at yours."He smiled. I turned round and walked off. I reached home again.

Five minutes later, there was a knock at the front door.

"Answer the door Safur!" Shouted Bofur from the back garden. I walked up to the door. I opened it. There stood Thorin, his sister, his nephews, 4 other men and another woman. Thorin smiled.

"Come in." I smiled holding the door open for them. They all walked in and I shut the door behind them. Thorin smiled.

"Let me introduce my cousins Balin and Dwalin," he said showing me who each one was " my 2nd cousins Oin and Gloin. This is Gloin's wife Grinamella." He smiled. Fili and Kili stayed behind Dis. Thorin bent down.

"Come here lads." Smiled Thorin. Fili and Kili walked over. They smiled.

"Fili and Kili this is.." Wondered Thorin. I laughed.

"Safur." I smiled. Thorin laughed at his carelessness. Bofur walked over.

"Hello then." Bofur said. Thorin turned round.

"Hello Bofur." Smiled Thorin. Bofur laughed.

"Never seen ya smile before Thorin." Laughed Bofur. Thorin chuckled. He shook his head. Bofur turned round. Everyone followed him into the garden.

I walked over to an area with no one there. I stood alone. Everyone was dancing. Also drinking and eating. Thorin walked over. He smiled.

"Are you alright Safur?" He asked. I looked at him.

"One problem. I can't dance Thorin. I am sorry." I said. Thorin looked into my eyes. He smirked.

"Maybe I can teach you." He said. I shook my head.

"I don't think you can." I sighed. Thorin put his hand out.

"Come on." He said. I grabbed his hand. The music changed.

"One hand on my hip." He told me. He continued to tell how to stand right. Then we started dancing. He smiled.

"Ya are quite good at dancing Thorin." I said. Thorin smiled. He twirled you round.

"So are you Safur." He smiled. We danced together.

Thorin looked at me. He looked at his sister. Thorin sighed.

"What is up Thorin?" I smiled. He looked into my eyes.

"My sister hates you. I don't know why." Said Thorin. He groans in pain. I walked away with him. He sat down. I started to tear up. He looked in my eyes. He wiped away the tears.

"Don't cry. I am fine." He said. He let out a scream of pain. I put my arm around him. Balin walked over.

"Safur, what is wrong?" Balin asked. I looked at him with tearers in my eyes.

"I don't know. He just started having pains." I said. Balin looked at his cousin. Thorin looked at Balin.

"My stomach, it kills!" Thorin said through the pain. Balin assisted Thorin up.

"I will have to take him to the hospital. I think you should go with him as well." Balin said. I stood up and left out with him. We walked down the street.

We walked down the road until we reached the hospital. They took him and told us to wait. I started to cry.

"He will be fine. Trust me. He is very strong. He is a fighter." Balin smiled. He looked at me. We sat in silence for a while. Then a nurse walked up to us.

"Are you the family of Thorin's?" she asked. We nodded. She led us down the corridor to the room Thorin was in. She let us in. Thorin was asleep. I walked over. Balin was outside talking to the doctor. I sat down on the chair. I put my hand on Thorin's arm.

"I am here Thorin." I whispered. Thorin opened his eyes. He turned to look at me.

"Safur." He said shocked. I smiled.

"Are you okay now?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yes I am fine." Thorin said. He laughed. I turned round to find Balin still talking to the doctor.

Thorin stroked my hand.

"I need to ask you something." He said shaking. I laughed.

"Go on tell me." I said. He coughed hard and pushed the hair out of his eyes.

"No I can't." He said. He looked nervously at the wall. Thorin sighed. I kissed his cheek.

"Go on, tell me." I smiled.

"Can you move in with me? I need help." He said. I was shocked. I have heard that he is stubborn enough to not ask for help. Is this true? Did he ask me for help? I smiled and stroked his head.

"Of course. You need all the help you can get." I said. Balin walked in. He smiled.

"Everything fine?" He asked. I nodded. Balin smiled.

"You can leave Thorin." Said the doctor. Thorin got out the bed and put on his boots. I held his coat out for him. He gently took it from me. I walked out with Thorin.

I reached my brother's house.

"I will get my stuff." I smiled. The party had finished. I sneaked into my room. I packed all my stuff into my bag. I walked out off the house.

"Are you ready?" Asked Thorin. I nodded. He walked with me.

"My house isn't the best thing ever." He said. I laughed.

"It would be better than the one I had in Vanzoona." I laughed. Thorin nodded. He stopped outside of his house. He walked up to the door. Thorin held it open.

"Welcome. Go in." He smiled. I walked in. It was great. The door opened to a large corridor. Thorin led me to my room. It was great.

"Thank you Thorin." I said. I went to unpack but got stopped.

"Do that later." Thorin smiled. I followed him into the living room. The fire was on.

Thorin's love for me: True loveWhere stories live. Discover now