Chapter 8 picking up the pieces

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Chapter 8
Picking up the pieces

I woke up the next morning finding Thorin not there. I heard talking. I walked out of the room. He was talking to Dis, four other women, Oin, Gloin, Grinamella, Balin, Dwalin and my family. He turned round and smiled.
"Safur meet my other sister Jazin and my cousin's sisters Jolin and Kerlin." He said pointing to each one. They nodded.
"They are my friends Thorin." I laughed. Thorin nodded.
"I don't know the other one. Do you?" Thorin asked. It was my cousin.
"My cousin Laurfur." I said. Thorin nodded. I saw Jazin glaring at me. I sighed.
"Maybe I should go. I have to meet two of my friends. I'll see you later." I said. I grabbed my fur coat and walked to the door. I heard them walk into the living room. I walked out into the street. I saw my two mates.
"Hi Safur." I heard Holri say. Elizoin smiled.
"I heard about you and Thorin." Elizoin said. I laughed.
"Yeah." I sighed. They laughed. Holri passed me a bag.
"You left this at mine." Holri said. I laughed. I wondered if they would of finished talking.
"Hey, have you heard what Jazin has being saying about Thorin?" Elizoin asked. I shook my head.
"Well she has said that he would be a fool to go out with a commoner. She means someone that isn't famous or royal. Or rich come to think about it." Elizoin said.
"Well I'll see ya soon. Bye." I smiled turning round. I walked back towards Thorin's. I knocked on the door. Jazin answered.
"Well if it ain't my best pal. You do know that Thorin doesn't deserve you." Jazin said. Thorin walked up behind her.
"Got a problem with her sister? She is your best friend." Thorin wondered. Jazin gulped.
"Nothing bro. I will go back to the others." She said walking away. I smiled at Thorin. He laughed.
"You wouldn't think she was related to me would you?" He asked. I nodded. He let me in. I walked down the corridor and hung my coat up. Thorin smiled and walked back into the living room. Jazin walked up to me.
"Why does he think more of you than his true family?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know really." I said. I coughed. Jazin glared at me.
"Stay away from my brother!"She snarled. Someone walked out of the room.
"Leave her alone sister!" Yelled Thorin. I turned round. I need to pick up the pieces of Thorin's broken heart. Everyone walked out.
"Come on Jazin. Lets go." Said Balin. She smiled and left Thorin's house. Me and Thorin were on our own.
"Thorin I need to explain." I said. Thorin smiled.
"Okay." He said. I cleared my throat.
"My mum came back and told me to get my stuff. But she dragged me back before I could ask her something. I am sorry Thorin." I said. Thorin nodded. He hugged me.
"I forgive you." He smiled. I spun round. Thorin laughed.
"Sorry about the way Jazin was acting. That isn't normal." He said. I put my arm around his shoulder.
"It is normal." I smiled. Thorin walked into the kitchen. I followed. He hummed to him self. I chuckled.
"What?" He asked. I looked at him.
"Why were you humming?" I asked. He laughed.
"No reason what did ever." He said. I nodded. He clicked his fingers.
"5 hours left to do something. What do you want to do?" He asked. I thought.
"We could go to the beach." I said. He nodded.
"That is what we will do. Do you want to go swimming as well?" He said. I nodded. I walked into the room and got my bikini. I met Thorin out side the room with his rucksack. He laughed.
"Ready?" He asked. I nodded. We walked out the front door and down to the beach. Thorin pointed to the toilets.
"I will see you I a min." He said. I walked in the toilets.

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