Chapter 7 family problems

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Chapter 7

Family problems

We sat with each over for ages.

"I love how you show off." I said. He has shown off a lot of times. He nodded.

"I love how you seem to be learning a lot of things." Thorin smiled. Then someone knocked on the door. Thorin walked to the door. He walked back.

"You're family from Vanzoona." He said upset. I walked to the door.

"Get you're bag packed and come home now!" Yelled my mum. I did as I was told. I walked back to the door. She dragged me out of the house. We walked all the way back to Vanzoona.

"Why did I have to come back?" I asked. She shook her head.

"You belong here with us." She smiled. I was furious. I left my brothers, cousin and boyfriend because of my mother.

" I have a boyfriend! I belong back there!" I bellowed. I sobbed. She shoved me in the house. I ran into room. I didn't unpack. I was going to leave when she wasn't looking.

But the days past. I couldn't leave. My mum walked in. She smiled.

"You don't like it here do you?" She asked. I cried.

"I want to be back with Thorin. He understands me. You have made his heart break. You have ruined my chances of getting married or have a life!" I snarled. My mum. Looked at me.

"Do you want to go back to him?" She asked. I nodded. She sighed.

"You will have to write to me every week. Post it if you can." She smiled.

"Can I go home?" I asked. She nodded. I got up and hugged her. I walked out the house. Time to walk back. I walked through the town. I left the small town. Time to go through the dessert.

"Great mum. If you sent me a letter this wouldn't of happened." I thought to myself. What would Thorin do? I was panicking. I walked for days. I found the gate to the Blue mountains. There was Thorin. He was with another woman. And it wasn't his sister. I stood there watching. Dis walked up to me.

"Welcome back." She smiled. I looked at her crying. She looked at her brother.

"The mean old cow!"She snarled. She walked over to Thorin. I saw her pointing to me. She walked back. She sighed.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"He said he hates you. You left him." She said. I growled.

"I didn't leave him! My mum came and took me back to my town!" I snarled. Dis looked at her brother. Thorin walked over. He was angry. I stormed off. I wasn't going to go back to my brothers and cousin. I was going to live on the street.

I spent the next 6 days living homeless. It was cold. Once or twice it was clear but the rest was either raining and cold.To get food and drinks I had to beg. I hated Thorin Oakenshield now. He had caused all of this to happen. But today he walked to me.

"I am sorry. I thought you left me because you hated me. Do you forgive me? If I knew I wouldn't off meet her. She was a friend anyway." Thorin told me. I hugged him.

"Of course I forgive you." I said. Thorin helped me up. We walked back to his. He smiled.

"How about you share a bed with me."He said. I nodded. I walked with him to his room. I placed my bag on the floor. I got in bed with him. He pulled me into him.

"I love you with all my cold heart." He whispered. I shook my head.

"Cold heart?" I questioned.

"I haven't had many feelings before. Only sad and angry types." He said. I kissed him and feel asleep.

Thorin's love for me: True loveWhere stories live. Discover now