Chapter 5 trying to fit in

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Chapter 5

Trying to fit in

We ate the meal. It was great. I looked Balin and the rest. Do I belong here? I am a unbearded dwarf woman. The rest have beards but not me. Will I fit in? Thorin looked at me puzzled. He stroked my face. I glared at him.

"Are you alright?" Thorin asked. I sighed and looked at the floor.

"I can't say it out loud. Well here." I said. He nodded.

"Tell me later okay." He smiled. Balin laughed.

"Dis!" Shouted Balin. Everyone turned to look at them. Balin went red.

"What?" Asked Thorin. Balin looked from across the table.

"What Dis just said." Balin said. Thorin snickered.

"You have a weird sense of humour Balin." Said Thorin. Dwalin looked at Fili and Kili. They were scared. I got up and walked out of the room. I heard Thorin's chair scrape across the floor. I walked faster. I heard Thorin walking behind me. I can't out walk him. He is a flaming prince. Someone like him is a lot better at running when it only sounds like he or she is walking. I had no chance. He stopped me. I turned round. I had walked down 15 corridors. Thorin smiled.

"What is wrong?" He asked. I looked at the floor.

"I don't fit in with your family." I said. Thorin widens his eyes and gapped. I looked back at the floor ashamed. Why did I say that? Thorin chuckled.

"You do fit in. Just in you're own way." He smiled. I hugged Thorin. He hugged me back. I thought of everything I knew. No one ever loved me this much. Enough to hug me and not shout at me.

"You are the last girlfriend I ever want." Thorin said. Do I take that as a compliment or not? I looked at him after he let me go.

"Last girlfriend?" I repeated. Thorin moaned.

"Well I have had 38 and none of them stayed. But you. If you left I wouldn't date anyone else after. You are perfect." He smiled. I sighed.

"I thought you meant something else." I laughed. Thorin smirked.

"See you Thorin! Thank you for the food!" Shouted Balin from the front door. Thorin whistled in reply. I kissed Thorin and walked back to my room. Thorin walked past and into his room. I just reached my bedroom door when I heard a crash. I ran to Thorin's room. There he was. On the floor. I ran down the stairs and to his side.

"Thorin? can you hear me?" I asked tearing up.

He moaned. My heart lighted up with hope. Thorin opened his eyes. The pale grey eyes stared at me. He whined in agony. Thorin clutched his leg. I stroked his hair.

"It is alright Thorin. Where does it hurt?" I asked. Thorin pointed to his left leg.

"All of it. Especially my ankle." He hissed. I went to lift him up but he stopped me.

"No don't Safur. You might hurt yourself." He said. I didn't care. I lifted him up and carried him to the bed. Thorin sat down and swung under the blankets.

"Good night Thorin." I whispered. Thorin was flat out. I turned off the light and went to my room. I got changed and went to sleep. I thought about what would happen. Will he be fine? I shouldn't be thinking about that.

I woke up fresh. But I remembered last night. I walked into Thorin's room. He was asleep. I sat on the side of his bed. He woke up.

"Good morning Safur." Thorin smiled. I smiled back.

"Good morning Thorin. Are ya alright now?" I asked. Thorin nodded.

"Maybe a bit of a limp but that is probably it." Thorin said. I nodded. I got off the bed to let him get out. Thorin got out of bed and walked with me. Someone knocked at the door.

"I will answer that." Said Thorin walking to the door. He opened it. I heard them talking.

"Don't worry she is here Bofur." I heard Thorin say. I heard Bofur walking away after. Thorin walked back to me.

We sat eating breakfast. Thorin was devouring his food. I threw a piece of chicken at him.

"Pig!" I shouted. Thorin laughed.

"What? I am hungry." He said. I shook my head. He wiped his mouth and drunk some ale.

"What do you want to do today Safur?" Thorin asked. I shrugged my shoulders. He sighed.

"We could go shopping. Go the beach. Go for a ride in the forest on my ponies. It is up to you." Thorin said. I thought about it.

"I like the sound of going for a ride in the forest on the ponies." I said. Thorin nodded.

"So that is what we are doing. Go get changed and I will meet you out side of your room." He smiled. I walked to my room. I got changed into the clothes Thorin bought me. They were nice. They were a perfect fit.

Thorin's love for me: True loveWhere stories live. Discover now