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"This one, "




"Oh for goodness sake Bryn just choose anyone,.you are wasting my time"

"Oh sorry kate it's just hard to choose "

"Whatever " there was silence for some seconds before kate broke it

"I just don't believe it since when did they started to date of someone happiness"

"I don't know, maybe they all cheating on her, you know kate who know what they might do to her"

"I don't think I can't ever broke this forgive them for what they have done. I just hate 'em, don't you Bryn??" katie turned to look at Bryn for an answer but caught her staring at something. Katie moved her gaze to were Bryn's eyes are fixed.

"Spencer jonas" both girl said in unison. The both stared at her for some seconds wondering who the lady beside her is "is that woman spencers mother??"

"I don't know, but she looks old, sha it's not like I care ,so Bryn why don't we go knock some senses into her"


"Hey Spencer jonas"

"Hey" Spencer replied. spencers aunt turned to look at them. "Are they your friends, spence??

"Yes we are friends" Bryn answered leaving Spencer confused.

"Okayy i shall leave you guys together" with that spencers aunt left.

"So is she your mother??" Bryn asked and Spencer answered by nodding her head she lied. Katie is silently observing Spencer, she left Bryn with the talks.

The three girls spotted a bench, they sat without saying anything for some seconds until.." how are you" Bryn finally broke the silence but Spencer didn't buy them. She just kept staring at them blankly while katie is deep in her thoughts. "Well, let me go straight to the point, those two young ladies you gang up with are...." Bryn scratched her nose before she continued talking. "Well...."

"Why are you all ganging up with Hayley and kendall, you should know they are bad people they enter into someone's life and ruin it, that's who they are. So if you could just make some seconds thoughts about them coz right now am talking from experience" katie said handing spencer a folded paper. "Here this if you decide, call me I will help you. So Bryn shall we." with that katie and Bryn left Spencer confused.



" kendall, kendall!!!" Hayley continued calling you name but I refused to answer her remembering what happened yesterday. I know it's because of Spencer but since Spencer came into this school i have been noticing things, it's like she's trying to ditch me for her. Since when did she started to care about someone happiness but hers. Now I will leave her she can take her for all I care. I ignored Hayley and moved to my locker.

"Hey ken.." a familiar voice said from behind

OMG zaynn


"Uh...hey zayn" I said hesitantly.

"So you missed me huh". WTF zayn is just making me tense with this talks of his, hes just sweet Omggg .

Don't be stupid kendall

A voice in my head whispered" uh...what...hah...."

"Oh am just kidding" he chuckled. Zayn looks good if he smiles. Wow just perfect

"If you are done admiring my face, we should get going. It's government class before Mr. Paul kick out asses " I tried hard to hide my red cheeks, Ohh this is the hundred time than the time I felt most embarrassed . I nodded then we moved towards government class, too bad for us Mr. Paul is already in the class.

"Mrs malik and Mr aiko walk out of my class" Paul demanded

Oh my gee


"Gladly" zayn said and walked out. Well that's boys for us, at least he should be pleading instead he chose to walk out.

"So what now"

"Maybe we should......

"Hey zayn wuddup " Jaden cho said

"Hey kicked you out did he"

"Yeahh exactly "

"I have a formula for that"

"Very well...." we stood there watching Jaden getting into the class. After some minutes he came back.

" you may" Jaden said mockingly.

I was wondering what Jaden must say to Paul to let us get in the class.


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