chapter two

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I came out of my jaguar along with my best friend Bryn rumfallo. The 7th graders came screaming dying to see us.

"Isn't this great" Bryn said in amazement

"More than it" I replied

"I love u so much KATE!" a 7th grader said. "Oh gross!!" we both said  and left to the hallway.

We took some books from our lockers and left for our respective classes. I am having literature while bryn's having history.

I sighed before opening the door hoping that Mr Chris is not yet in the class.

" Oh god!!" I whispered afteR realising that Mr. Chris is already in the class.


"Yes sir" I replied and moved to my seat near Mary George the cuttest girl in the school and also a sister to the hottest guy Drake George.

"Hey kate" mary said

"Hey mary" I replied.

" The heys and hellos are enough, don't u think, would you start writing or are u waiting for me to come up there" said Mr chris

"Sure sir" we both said."What a terrible teacher" I whispered." I heard that mrs Martin" said the teacher


After the bell rang, everyone left to their lockers. I was walking to my locker when Bryn rumfallo pat my back, and we left together to the canteen.



I left the class looking for kendal after the bell rang. Finally! I said after seeing Kendal from a long distance spot.

"Hey ken" I said after moving to her

"Hey ley" she replied, "Let's go to the canteen" she added

"Oh sure" I said then we moved


We sat on our seat with a tray of burger and french fries with mccafe. We were chatting when kate and her best friend Bryn with a tray of sandwiches and french fries with chapman and sat on their seats

"I hate her" ken muttered

"So do i" I replied." Let's get up her before I grow irritated" she said.

As we are walking towards the door someone just hit me"ahhh!" I screamed. "OMG" I hear everyone say and busted out of laughter.

"I am so sorry I didn't mean to do any harm" a sweet kiwi voice said in a British accent." Oh yes I did" he whispered to his friends and chuckled.

I stood up when I saw it was Drake  George." WHAT!!" I moaned.

"Did I say it out loud?" he asked

"Well I don't read mind u know" i replied and left.

"Not cool dude" I hear a friend of him saying from behind but I didnt care to see now who the person is.

"Leyy!!" ken shouted. But I was just running shedding tears not knowing where am going.

"Come here" she hugged me after chasing after me patting my back

"Qilin qilin qilin" the bell rang. It's home time yay...I exclaimed .

I went outside, into my car and home I was


"Babe!!" my mom yelled my name,

"Yes mother" I replied.

"Come help me with some work in the kitchen" she requested

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