chapter five

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     I went to Mr. Chris after his call. He wanted me to cover up some tests  i missed a couple of months ago. My absence was due to an accident I had with my family on our way to my brothers school. Did I not mention of having a brother? Well I have a brother schooling in central city High school in L.A. However my parents took an excuse because of the incidence which happens to be during the test. Not only test but I have missed my club activity; cheer leading in particular.

Did I mention about having clubs. No

Well we usually have our clubs classes after school on weekdays but not for this week

Oh! Kendall and Spencer


I entered the ladies where I left kendall and Spencer but then one of them is missing "Kendall what happened" I asked giving her a quizzical look

She looked at me blankly for some seconds then she changed into a warm smile "I have bad news and  good news for you Hayley" she said softly

I looked at her confused" Did you just say bad and you are smiling" I asked

"Oh that, the bad news is not something badd but the good news is absolutely good" she said dragging the d of badd

She stood up and walked closer to me holding my hands with a smile appearing at the corner of her lips"look, the bad news is that I lost Spencer but that doesn't matter...but the good news is that zayn spoke to me and drake apologised for what he did earlier!!" she said the last part in bliss

I looked at her in disbelief " kendall are you nuts? spencers lost which is so not good but you don't seem sad...Look at you you're happy because of zayn and know for clear that he's best friend is a player and a  jerk who knows if he's one too, do you really care for Spencer " I snapped without second thoughts

She looked at me with  very dark eyes I could see the fire inside her eyes"What the bloody hell.....are you for real morgan know for sure I do have feelings for that guy if am not mistaken..and who the hell told you I don't care for Spencer....what on earth made you think of that besides why'd you think she's lost, Hayley,she's grown up...she knows how to maintain herself shes not a child shes sixteen for the love of god. Hayley this very girl is a new comer she's a stranger to everyone here but you act like you've known her for decades  which isn't  true let's say maybe less than twenty four hours not even a day don't know her, you don't know the real her!. You can't just trust her, you cannot trust anyone, you are well aware of what happened earlier aren't you. Don't let her innocence fool you leyy." she said in her full strong British accent

"In your paranoid mind no one can be trusted....and t-theres no use being stuck on what already happened we have a bright future and that's all matters and we both know that people just misunderstood us  and I do trust the very girl you talk about...mind if I do that?! are maddening kendall  malik for not trusting her" I let out in annoyance

"Of course I don't trust her after all she's a human beign and she's bound to be deceitful one way or the know I spent decades before I trusted you, you just can't trust her in a blink of an eye....... you know what its all my fault I shouldn't have trusted you in the first place  she can even be your new best friend for all I care" she said the last part in a low voice changing it to her normal American accent

"Y'll acting like a bitch" she added

I let out a chuckle " surprised
know you got to act like a bitch when taking to a bitch"

She shot me with a  bizarre look " am not
surprised  Hayley am just impressed, it's look like that girl or maybe that accident turned you into a bitchy little whore,
honestly I suggest you take that attitude
and shove it to your ass " she shook her
head with a strange smile on her face

"Have a nice day....good luck with your little task....... old friend" I can sense the sarcasm in her voice

"Will surely have.....its look like we both ain't having a bright future  " I replied and she left



I was waiting for kendall in the ladies

but she didn't show up so I decided to go
Is that girl approaching towards me. Oh common Spencer do you think someone will just talk to you like that.

Oh yeah she is

The girl came up to me looking at me in disgust" Hey am Holland Tyler"

" I am.....

"Spencer jonas yeah I know. I don't have much time but I came to warn you of  something, look you have to take it serious...these two girls that y'all ganging up with Kendall and Hayley are players, i don't know how to say it but do bare in mind....they are willing to do  you harm, i know you might not believe me but remember  first impressions are always good. So think wise bye"

As I was walking her words kept going in my mind, could it be true...Nahh it can't those are the two who helped me when no one did. Who knows maybe she the one who's a player  not them.

"Spencer jonas come over here "

"Good morning ma'am "

"You can call me mrs sit down"

"As you can see how this school is, you have to stand and cope with the people , as I was told this is your first wealthy school you've ever been you should make your own decision not someone you've grown up don't let anyone come into your life and destroys it anyhow...i know for sure who my students are. Always make your decision but think wise. So for your academics now, if you fail any of the co-subjects you would be repeated or rather be on probation ......and always love where you learn"

I looked at her once then stood up to make my way but then .....

"Oh.....and welcome to AHS"

"Thank you mrs principal I really appreciate that" I said she gave me a warm smile then I left.

"Kendall is that you" i shouted her name she turned gave me a feeble smile and left

What the hell.....

"Ohh Spencer!! There you are, where have you been i have been looking for you everywhere " a worried Hayley said

No not everywhere Hayley not everywhere" Ohh the principal called me " i told her not being focused.

"What's wrong" Oh yeah she finally asked " Umm what's it that s wrong with Kendall" I asked looking at her....i saw a sad Hayley inside her eyes but she just gave me a fake smile

"Nothing, nothing is wrong Spencer"

"It's home time.......

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