chapter four

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"Hey guys" Hayley said as we sat on the bench with our trays in the canteen

"Hey" I replied and sat down

Oww! How a pleasure it is to meet two hot girls on the first day, how lucky am I.
Keep it up spence!!

Keep it up spence!

"Holy sh*t.....i stood up with my messed coffee clothes"

Did this young lady just poured her coffee on me!???

"What the hell is wrong with you Devina mccall" they both shouted


Whatt!! Is she just not apologising, why is she so rude and mean. I tried to fight back my tears but I could feel the tears running down my cheeks, I should just leave this place before it gets worse

Where should I go, or Maybe the ladies ...yeah but where exactly is it??

"Hey...nerd" Ohh who would that be, I turned and saw the guy beside me in economics class, my jaw dropped. What the hell am not a nerd and besides why on earth would he talk to me just like that

"You lost coz you look pissed off " he asked in a worried tone, so does he care but if he does why'd he be worried after all the called me a nerd

"Umm....i was just looking for the ladies" I said looking directly into his blue ocean eyes.

"Oh...that, you are a new comer if course but you suppose to know that. Besides how could you even say nothings wrong with you, with all the red eyes which looked like you cried or about to...." he grins eerily which I gave him my best withering stare.

"It would be the nice of you if you stopped talking and try figuring out a way to help me"

He stops and pushes me aside with ease" follow me " is all he could finally utter, i had no choice but followed him. he suddenly stopped at the door

"This is it" he said without looking directly into my eyes

"It's smith smith " I shook his hand and thanked him then he left.

Did I

There's nothing I could do now after all that guy...Oh I mean smith had s......i heard the door knock so I quickly moved back until I felt the wall, i hugged my legs and put my head on my knee so that my face can't be seen.

"Spencer,, is that you" a familiar voice asked probably kendal. I lifted my head up to confirm and I was right.

"I am so sorry Spencer I wish I had kicked or punched her or slapped her or......"

"Kendall please you did enough"

"OMG....Spencer are you okayy I mean okayy you know okayy" Hayley said looking worried and anxious. That made me chuckle before replying her

"Oh sure I am Hayley am grateful for whatever you guys have done to me...i don't know how to thank you guys" I said with tears running consecutively.

"Shhhh....dont" kendall said and engulfed me in a hug. "We did nothing to be grateful of " she whispered

"Heyy! Am sorry to interrupt you guys but Mr.Chris needs Hayleys attention" a black girl said in a strong British accent. Hayley excused and left with the girl.

"Who is that girl??"

"Oh she's aria mikealson, the principals daughter. The girl is nice, i guarantee you'd like her " Kendall said and I gave her a warm smile in response.

I washed my hands and my face at the basin after Kendall suggesting to get a cup of water for me. I then dried my hands with a towel looking at how terrible my face looks because of the moisture

Bang!! The door opened and there came a girl along with a guy behind her.

"Excuse me! You are not planning getting in here or are you? I pointed at the boy giving him a puzzle look

"Oh common not, how could I" the boy chuckled and left.

"Heyy am sorry about that, he's my best friend .....zack posley is the name. my name is Nadley west by the way" Hmm she must be an American

"Oh...its nothing no need for the apology, i am Spencer jonas"

"Spencer jonas...the new comer, well words are disseminated....well indeed you are the stuck of the day" she's looking so serious, so that means it true.

"What were the saying??" I asked raring to hear what she would say

"Oh trust me you don't wanna know that, bye I gotto go"

*kendalls P.O.V*

I was walking down the hallway to get Kendals water, i got to where I was going so am on my way back but then I noticed something.....wait! Is that zayn aiko or is it just my usual daydream...hhhh OHH MYYY JEEZZZ it's zayn aiko!!!!!!!! It's real...kendall it's him your crush

"Hey"Did he just say hey¿ is he talking to me or is it another daydream

"Hey" he said again



"Are you okayy...coz you seem carried away" is he worried...awwn how sweet of him to ask such a sheen question

"Umm...yh sort of"

"Okayy...on behalf of my friend I came here to apologise to your friend of what happened earlier. I am on my way to find her then I saw you so I decided to come up here "

"Oh yeahh Hayley.....Hayley m-morgan is her name"

"Oh " he asked raising one of his eyebrows

"Oh sorry i-i will surely tell her"

"Oh cool then, i have to go" he said with a grin

He's so cute but he didn't even ask me for my name or so

"Umm excuse me...." I turned to look at zayn face to face

" zayn aiko by the way"

"Am kendal malik"

"Kendal nice name"

Wow I feel like know the first you talk to your crush...ahhhhhhh:)!

"Do you mind calling you ken"

"Not at all"

"Okayy bye ken...see you later...he smirked and left"

Ftcheewww!! Oh I feel like am in another world...i just can't believe it a dream come true....ohh Hayley will be surely proud to hear this love tale

"Ohhh so sweet"i said forgetting I was in the hallway.

"Excuse me" a girl said

"Oh did I say it out loud"

"Loud enough to wake the dead" nonsense girl I said

Ohhhhh Spencer let me go get her?!!!


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