Chapter 8

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I was sitting with Vile, Noora, Eva and Chris at lunch, I'm not sure what they were talking about as I was reading my math book, trying to make sense of the topic before my maths test next period. Vilde was organising her salad, and trying her best to avoid eating it.

 Vilde mentioned something about Penetrater Chris hooking up with someone. I looked up and glanced at Eva, she didn't know that I knew about her and Christopher. She was just sitting there looking slightly guilty, but that soon changed when Jonas and Isak walked over. Eva jumped up and started to make out awkwardly with Jonas, Isak just stood there awkwardly with Chris looking up at him, sucking on her spoon.

My phone, which was lying in my open maths book, went off. I looked down, glad of an excuse to exit from the awkwardness. There was a text from Christopher.

Christopher:                                                                                                                                                               Having trouble? ;)

I looked around and saw Chris sitting at the other side of the cafeteria, sitting with the Penetrates, but facing me. He grinned over at me and I grimaced at him, he laughed and looked back down at his phone.

Christopher:                                                                                                                                                               What's wrong :/

I looked over, he was still grinning, I just rolled my eyes and he frowned jokingly and then winked, grinning again. He gestured to his phone and I glanced down.

Christopher:                                                                                                                                                                 Come with me. ;)

He stood and walked towards the door we were sitting next to. Jonas and Isak had left and Chris was asking if Isak was single. As Christopher walked past he winked and I just shook my head. I sat there for a moment contemplating whether or not I should go.

Then I stood and told the others that I was going to the library to study. I grabbed my bag and picked up my books and walked around the table and out of the cafeteria.

I walked down the hall out of the cafeteria, Chris was standing at the end of it, leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, a smirk playing on his lips. Before I reached him he walked away, his hands slipping into his pockets.

 I rolled my eyes and trailed behind him, smiling softly. I followed him up stairs, around corners and down halls, I was beginning to think he was just leading me on a wild goose chase when he stopped on an empty landing in the science block, he turned and waited for me to catch up.

"Why, in the name of god did you lead me around school, we passed this spot three times" I groaned, dropping my bag on the floors and sitting up on the window sill. Chris grinned at me, leaning against the banister across from me. "I wanted to find somewhere quiet, I also wanted to see how long you would follow me around for."

 I rolled my eyes and huffed "what do you want Schistad?" I asked, holding back a smile. He took a step closer to me and then another and then another. He was standing between my legs, his face inches from mine "you" he breathed, his breath hot on my lips.

 I jerked back and hit my head on the window, I flinched away from the window and hit my head against Chris's. He took a step back and I went with him, falling forward and off the window sill and onto the ground.

Chris looked down at me and started laughing at me "this is your fault" I grumbled, sitting up. "I really don't care" Chris laughed harder at the annoyance on my face. "Help me up" I held my arms out for him to help me up, he took my hands and pulled me to my feet, still laughing.

 "I hate you" I grumbled, Chris stopped laughing eventually. "What did you actually want?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "Is Eva ok?" I looked up at him "she looked kind of awkward back there" I nodded, smiling up at him.

 "What?" he asked, looking confused at me "apparently you have a heart" he shoved my shoulder "shut up" I laughed "she's fine I guess, she doesn't know that I know what happened, and she's acting super touchy feely with Jonas which makes me want to puke"

"What's wrong with touchy feely?"

"Don't tell me you're touchy feely with you girlfriend"


"Ok, that's great, why does it matter"

Chris just grinned at me, "future reference" he winked, I rolled my eyes "be careful Mads, you're eyes might get stuck" I blinked, it had been three months since I'd been called that. "What's wrong?" Chris looked down at me "oh nothing, it's just been a while since anyone has called me Mads" he just looked at me "why do people not call you Mads?" he asked, looking slightly confused, but in a cute way.

 "People here just know me as Maddie that's all and I don't really like being called Mads" I hadn't even realised that I was thinking how cute Chris was when he was confused. "Who does call you Mads?" he asked, looking curious. "Oh no one, anyway" I said, trying to change the subject "is it true that you were grounded?" Chris asked, "how did you...? Oh never mind, yeah my host parents caught me and they were pretty mad so I'm grounded" I grimaced.

"What about home?" Chris asked, looking as though he had been wanting to ask this question for ages. "What do you mean?" I asked, confused "I mean Ireland, what's it like? What are your friends like?" I thought for a moment.

 "Ireland is beautiful, I mean so is Norway, but Norway's got nothing on Ireland's beauty and my friends are good I guess, I mean I miss them" I didn't really feel like talking about my friends, I missed them so much and talking about them made me sad. Chris seemed to notice this.

"Why don't you talk about yourself" he asked, taking a step closer to me. "I just don't, there's no reason" I shrugged, Chris rolled his eyes and took another step closer to me, "is it true you have a boyfriend in Ireland?" I looked at him, exasperated "it's none of your business".

 I didn't realise that Chris was dangerously close again. I didn't notice that he was leaning down and I was leaning up, I didn't notice an of that, but I did notice when William walked down the stairs, grabbed Chris's arm and dragged him away and down the stairs. I stood there blinking at the situation. I grabbed my bag and went to sit my maths test.

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