Chapter Four

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"Take to Doc," Trigger said comes back outside. "We'll check out the damage they did."

"Thanks man," I sighed carrying Teddy over to her truck. "Hang in there teddy bear."

"Hacker," Doc said looking up. "What happened? Bring her in here."

"Blood broke into my house and attacked her," I said laying her on the cot. "She climbed up on the roof and fell after ingot there. I think she might have hit her ankle pretty hard."

"Alright," Doc nodded feeling Teddy's ankle. "I'm going to order an x-ray but there's nothing else I can do until she wakes up."

"She freaked out when all the guys crowded us," I sighed running a hand down my face."I can't believe that that idiot got that close to us and I didn't know."

"That wasn't your fault," Doc said laying a hand on my shoulder. "You need to call Angelica and let her know what happened to Teddy while I get the x-rays done."

"Yeah," I nodded walking out of the room and calling Tanker.

"Hacker," he answered. "Teddy?"

"Doc's with her," I sighed dropping down in one of the waiting room chairs. "They attacked her at my house."

"I know," he said. "Angel was on the phone with her when it happened so I call Bullet. Is she okay?"

"She fell off the roof," I said. "I was able to catch her but she still got hurt. This is my fault."

"No," Tanker said. "This is Blood's fault. Sh*t, I have to go."

"Good luck," I chuckled hanging up. Leaning my head back I prayed to whatever god that was listening that Teddy would be okay.

"Hack," someone said shaking me awake. "Dude, you gotta go calm Teddy down she's freaking out and won't let anyone near her."

Jumping up I shoved Colt out of the way and took off down the hall bursting into the room Teddy was in.

"Everyone out," Doc said after they left I made my way over to Teddy.

"Where were you?" she whispered grabbing my wrist.

"I was in the hall," I said rubbing her knuckles. "I'm here now."

"What happened to Reed?"

"Reed?" Doc asked confused as he started wrapping her ankle.

"The guy that attacked me," she said. "He asked why I was here and not with Quinton."

"Wait," I said staring at her. "You know the man that broke into my house and attacked you?"

"Not very well," she said. "He's my ex's brother. I never came around when he visited."

"Damn," I muttered looking at Doc. "She'll need to talk to Bullet."

"Angelica," Teddy said panicked. "I was talking to her until the others yelled scaring me. I dropped it, I need to call Angelica."

"Here," I said handing her my phone.

"Thanks," she mumbled dialing a number into the phone.

"Doc," I said motioning towards the hall.

"What?" he asked closing the door partially.

"If she knows who Blood is then he'll try to get to her," I said. "That changes a lot of things."

"I wouldn't let her stay by herself," Doc said. "She's still recovering from shock and if he tries to get to her she won't be able to fight them off."

"I was thinking about that," I said. "I'm going to set her up at the clubhouse in my room so I can keep an eye on her."

"That'd be a good idea," Doc said walking over to the nurses desk. "Sign these and she can go, just keep her off that ankle she has a pretty bad sprain."

"Thanks," I nodded walking back into Teddy's room as she ended the call. "Everything good?"

"Yeah," she mumbled. "What happened to my clothes?"

"They did an x-ray on your ankle," I said handing her the clipboard. "Sign this and while I turn it in you can get dressed."

Teddy hummed looking over the papers before signing and handing it to me. Smiling softly I headed out of the room leaving her to get dressed.

Biker's Teddy (Wolves MC 3)Where stories live. Discover now