Chapter One

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"Why do you have to go?" I asked Angelica as she packed her travel bags. "I don't know anyone here."

"Give me your phone," she said and I handed it to her. "I'm putting Hacker's number in here. You can trust him."

"Hacker," I said confused. "Wait, the guy that stares at me all the time?"

"Yes," Angelica laughed tossing my photos on the bed beside me. "He's a good man actually all of the Wolves MC members are good people."

"Even the guy that follows you around all the time," I said and she growled.

"Tanker is an annoying biker that needs to get over himself," she said. "I swear that man lives to make my life a living hell."

"You like him," I laughed yelping when a pillow hit my head. "Ouch, what was that for?"

"For being mean," Angelica said glaring at me. Sticking my tongue out at her I glanced out the window when I heard a bike. "Who is it?"

"Tanker," I said slipping my vans back on and grabbing my phone. "I gonna head out. I'm cleaning three apartments today and I want to be done before nightfall."

"I'll call you tonight," Angelica said hugging me tightly.

"Hi Tanker," I smiled at the biker who was currently leaning against Angelica's car. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for Angel," he said gruffly. "You heading out?"

"I have work," I said wrinkling my nose. "Good luck getting her to be okay with you going with her."

"Bye Teddy," he smiled softly before losing all emotion on his face.

Giggling I rolled my eyes climbing in my car and driving off. When I stopped at a red light I turned the radio and sang along with the song that was playing.

"Finally," I groaned leaning against the wall as I finished cleaning the last apartment for the biker's. Hearing my phone beep I pulled it out of my pocket and read the text from Bullet telling me to come pick my check up for this week.

"Hi Teddy," Lily said walking up to me as I climbed out of my car. "What are you doing here?"

"Picking up my check," I shrugged following her into the warehouse. "You?"

"Cade called me for some odd reason," she shrugged flinching when one of the younger bikers ran up.

"Sorry," he mumbled before turning to me. "Prez said to tell you that your check is with Hacker."

"Oh," I said as he ran off again.

"I'll see you later," Lily smiled running towards Cowboy when he walked into the building. Sighing I headed to the room that Hacker is in most of the time.

"What," he said as I knocked on the door. "Hi, what are you doing here? Not that it not good to see you."

"You have my check," I whispered staring down at my shoes. I heard him moving around before a hand rail my head and I was looking into bright brown eyes.

"Here," he smiled handing me the little piece of paper.

"Thank you," I mumbled I turned to leave but spun back around. "I'm stopping by your house Tuesday afternoon, so can you make sure the door is unlocked."

"I will," he nodded and I hurried out of the building to my car. Sighing I turned the key only to here a clicking sound, "No, no. Please don't do this now."

Five minutes later I dropped my head into the wheel groaning. "AHHH," I screamed when something knocked on my window.

"Sorry," Hacker said. "Need some help?"

"No," I mumbled getting out and opening the hood hopping up so I could look down at the engine. Seeing the problem I looked at Hacker, "There's some duck tape under the driver's seat can you hand it to me."

"Yeah," he said quickly doing what I asked. Giving him a small smile I tore a piece of tape off the roll and taped the wires together hopping down and jumping behind the wheel and tried the keys again smiling when it turned over.

"Yes," I laughed jumping out grabbing the duck tape and closing the hood.

"How long has it been doing that?" Hacker asked and I squeaked since I forgot he was there.

"What?" I asked confused climbing in my car looking at him.

"Not starting," he said.

"Couple months," I shrugged. "She's old so it sometimes that's some tinkering to get her to start."

"Why don't you get that fixed?" He asked leaning on the door.

"I can fix it myself," I grumbled glaring at him. "I don't have the money to get the parts to fix her. I need to go."

"I'll see you later," he said.

"Weirdo biker," I grumbled heading back to Angelica's house.

Biker's Teddy (Wolves MC 3)Where stories live. Discover now