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Wattpad collectively hates parents, and will by any means make sure that the parents won't interfere with the books romance.

Introducing flakey parenting!
For just free.99 you can expect you wattpad parent to be gone for the following reasons:

1. Their at dinner
2. Away on a business trip
3. Their dead
4. Working
5. With family
5. Their the heaviest sleepers to ever exist!

The bad boy is at the protagonist house where a make-out session ensues because they decide to talk about dark stuff (abuse mostly), and that really gets the sexual tensions going. Of course the parents are no where to be found.

You'll notice that parents rarely appears in books, they are either so unimportant they aren't mentioned, thier only used for plot convenience, or they appear and have no development.

In LGBTQ+ stories for example, if the parent is homophobic they hate the child and kicked out; however, if given the chance they apologise and blame it on something or someone else (popular one being: your grandmother did so and so to me). We don't see the parent change and develop throughout the story, yet the author expects us to sympathize with them.

Some wattpad mothers seems to encourage her daughter to party, date, and f***. This would be fine IF THE CHILD WASN'T A TEEN.

"I want some grandbabies" being a popular disgusting phrase. I'm all for parties and dating, but f***ing, at 16-17 with another year of highschool to go?

Some parents are also rich with the best company in the world, but I think this is mainly because the author needs the character to have a easy going life to develop another conflict unrelated to financial stability. I'll let it slide.

These characters have a serious issue with slut shaming as well, especially when it comes to the mean girl. Have you ever read The Girl He Left Behind? If the situation came even close to that the protagonist just ruined the mean girls life.


Sorry I went off topic with that last one

over used lines in wattpadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora