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A pet peeve of mine is kidnapping. You could be reading a good book, the protagonist pregnant, married, living her best life until... She gets kidnapped and it's usually by an old acquaintance.

Wattpad users have a real affinity with using people who previously associated themselfs with the protagonist to play the obsessed kidnapper.

Here's a scenario:
There's a generic man that finds the protagonist bruised, sick, hungry and on the verge of tears and takes her to his house to care for her.

It confuses me how he finds a random person on the streets and decides 'Oh hey lets take this one home they look desperate enough' but that's none of my business.

He takes care of them teaches them how to do basic things like washing and brushing teeth.

They develop a relationship and began to date one another, gets pregnant, about to get married. Happily ever after right? Wrong. She gets kidnapped.

The seemingly generic man suddenly has this secret organization that we've never seen before EVER. NOT EVEN HINTED AT. And goes to save her.

When she's found the generic man describes her as fat with chapped lips, pink and purple brusies, and probably cut marks in her skin.

The protagonist refuses to be touched or talk to by anyone except her best friend... the generic man's sister.

Nightmares are now frequent and eventually the best friend tells her that she's hurting him and she'll start letting the generic man visit her.

over used lines in wattpadOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz