17. Only Perceptions

Start from the beginning

It was the Laytonmobile.

As they climbed in, Hershel driving, Flora in the front, and the other three in the back, - Barton squished uncomfortably in the middle - Hershel explained to the three in the back that he had left his car here and had taken Dimitri's, or it seemed to be Don Paolo's really, to get to the train station. Flora had forgotten that small detail just as she had forgotten a lot of other seemingly small, but important details over the course of this trip.

Hershel started the car and then they were off, but heading through the opposite field to the ones the Gatherers had headed through,  to also avoid encountering Oliver.

This part of the journey was very bumpy and they all held on tight until they reached the main road and then they sighed as the clear road meant clear sailing.

"Can you please explain what happened back there?" Flora finally said, stating what they were all thinking.

"Yes, but first I must tell you where we are headed. We are going back to Folsense. Our mission has succeeded thus far."

"Succeeded!" Chelmey scoffed, gripping the seat tightly as they hit a bump in the road. "THIS WAS A COLOSSAL WASTE OF TIME! He knew about the other team and now they are most likely bound in ropes!"

"I should not think so." Hershel replied softly. His face was very composed and he had the hint of a smile. "There is one part you may not know. I informed Don Paolo that there may be a traitor in our midst so he should be careful. I do believe they should be just fine now."

"But how can we believe that?! What if-"

"Enough!" Inspector Marauder snapped, turning her gaze towards the cherry-faced Inspector. "Let the man explain!"

"Thank you, Inspector." Hershel smiled, turning left sharply as they appeared to be making their way towards the edge of the city. "The reason for heading here is more complex than it appears and whilst I was aware there was a traitor, I still believed that we would discover who it was and that the other team would still succeed in their job. My little detours in the University were to keep Oliver here for as long as possible. I cannot say when the Gatherer will be dismantled, so time is the crucial thing here."

"Why did we go here if this Claire was false?" Flora queried, staring at the Professor with confused eyes.

"As well as the promise I made, I knew that Oliver would follow me to Claire as he does not know where she is. If we did not go to London, he would have found her rather quickly. This is a way of keeping him here and away while the others do their job, allowing for some more breathing room."

"Very clever..." Chelmey scoffed, crossing his arms. "You could have told us all this! I feel like we are just the audience. Let us be involved! We can help!"

"You are more than just a passive audience, Inspector. Whilst I have kept information from you, it was only because I needed that element of surprise and to spare you if any of you were captured. Your part to play may not seem apparent now, but I assure you that it will come in due time."

Chelmey seemed satisfied and the group sat in estranged silence for a little while after that. They still had a lot of questions, but everyone just needed some time to breathe after all that.

It was Flora who eventually asked the big question.

"When did this plan with Inspector Marauder begin?"

"That was relatively recent. I had a slight suspicion it was Clive who was the traitor when I saw him speaking on a phone to someone. I needed someone who would seem just as suspicious as him, and so I spoke with the Inspector on the helicopter ride over of the possibility of an escape method should we be caught, but I went ahead to the next stage when we encountered the Black Ravens."

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