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There the face someone I hope I would never see. Like ever. Again. But she was literally there, like a big boss, in my house, In front of me. "Ester." I sighed, as loud as I managed. Not an expression was seen on my face. Shameless. She stood up from the couch and walked towards me and stood a few steps before me, anger was shown on her face. Guess she knew what had happen.

"Last time i checked I did not hear a knock and opened the door for you. So...What do you want?" I asked, my arms were folded. My face was showing how much I did not want her in my house. Tension started. However Ester was cool as a cat. I noticed her hands were in a fist. A weak fist. Want to pick a fight, I assume.

"How do you know?" she asked, she was slightly intimidated. Her eye kept shifting, looking at me up and down. Then my surroundings to check if I was alone and back at me. It was as if she was afraid someone would charged.


Precisely, I understood what she was going for but I, being annoying, asked her back. "What exactly are you implying? Please be more specific. I don't like wasting time. And... at this point, you are wasting mine. thank you." Smiled sarcastically.

She exhaled angrily. "I am not a child to be fool around. I lived for more a thousand years and I can kill you with my magic right this instant." This time, she seemed to gain some confidence which made she smirked, trying to scare me. "What? Nothing to say?" Ester added. So proud.

I sniggered. "Oh please...Ester darling, you might be born in the 10th century, but you have not been leaving for a thousand of years. In fact, you are in a deep sleep, in a dusty old coffin." I shook my head, holding back my laughter. "You want to kill your children, yea sure.. go on. I would love that. But the things is, my friends will die too. Well you probably would not care. You probably think 'why the fuck will i care?' Poor Elijah. He is nice man." I shook my head. Disapproved. I noticed that Ester had lose her patience with me. Who wouldn't? She was going to say something. A spell, most probably. But I guessed I was lucky, my front door opened and revealed nervous Klaus.

"Mother! There you are. I was looking for you. Why didn't you say anything when you left?" he spoke to his mother. when he looked at me, he continued, "Emma...hello love," he smirked. I smiled, acting. "So.. you are talking to my mother..." I looked at Klaus, then back to Ester.

"yes.. we talked about how amazing the party was. How drink is so good.  Everyone was dancing. Sadly I had to leave early. But I really enjoyed myself," I lied even though Klaus knew it was not true. Ester had no idea about Klaus knowing about the drink.

"erm. I really do enjoy myself. Well, Ester, I have something to do. Maybe we can talk some other time," I faked a smile. Ester nodded her head and then walked out from the house. When I finally sure they were gone, I recited a spell, "Colloportus " and hear the sound of the lock clicked.

When I got into my room, I went to find a sling bag that I had charmed to be spacious on the inside, just like Hermione's. Immediately I started to pack 15 sets of clothes. Big chance I would not be coming home for the next 4 months and I would missed Elena's birthday. I sighed when I finished packing my sling bag. I put the bag aside and went down to the living room with a heavy heart.

"You are right." I heard a British accent. I jumped, with my hand on my chest. I turned around to see Klaus who had his arms folded. He was wearing a sweater with a worn out jeans. "Sorry. didn't mean to scare you." He continued. I breathed in and exhaled. As if he gives a shit!

"Don't you have to handle your mother?" I managed to say. "You are dumb. Do you know that? So...how did you found out? " I rolled my eyes.

Klaus hesitated at first but he answered me anyway. "I drank the wine." I looked at him, my eyes wide. Then I did a face palm. "I don't have to listen to you. But I know I should have," his voice slowly died down. "My mother had been acting very weird when we got home,"

"I told you so. But you are too proud to listen," I said then I shook my head. Klaus clinched his teeth. He hated to be wrong. "So now.. you can go chase your dearest mummy like a little puppy,"

You Are My Zing - Harry Potter + MerlinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora