Head over heels (girlxgirl) 5

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She clearly remembered  the day, she saw Tina for the first time. She felt slightly embarrassed at the memory. It all started with this friday, where they waited impatiently for the teacher to come. It was the last lesson, so everyone was slightly distracted.

Emma sat in the classroom and was daydreaming. Her classmates were loud and irritating, and everyone hoped their lesson was cancelled. Emma looked annoyed at Thomas, who clearly was the loudest. Typical boys.. Why couldn’t they behave? They weren’t in kindergarden anymore.

The door opened and everyone sat down, as they saw that the headmaster came to visit them in class. “Sara called in sick today, so she isn’t coming.”, he announced. The class sat quiet and waited for more to come. Surely the headmaster didn’t just come to say this?

He looked seriously at them through his glasses. “Sara is really sick. We don’t know how long it takes, till she comes back. In the meantime, we hired someone to take over her classes. She is first coming on Wednesday, so your English-class is cancelled on Monday, and of course today's lesson too.”

The headmaster raised his voice because a chatter had started on the last rows. “I can’t say anything about her condition, but it might take a few month, till she is back on her feet. Your new teacher is called Tina and I think..” he paused for a moment before he continued. ”I think you will like her. She’s the youngest we’ve ever had in our staff”, he smiled. “Have a nice weekend,” he said before he left.

The boy’s started talking excitedly about how she might look like and how young she was. Emma rolled her eyes. Boy’s. She never understood why boy’s talked and acted in such a childish way that it was really annoying. She grabbed her jacket and her bag and ambled towards the exit. “Hey Emma, wait a sec!” She heard Thomas running towards her. Gee, he was so irritating. School’s darling. Every girl was so into him, why couldn’t he bug one of them?

Reluctantly Emma turned around. “What?” she said. ”Wow!” Thomas put up his hands in a protective gesture. ”What’s wrong? You should be running around overjoyed about the weekend.” Emma tiredly shook her head and ran her hand through her short spiky hair. Thomas always told her that she looked as if she just came out of bed. If he wanted to tease her with that comment, she didn’t know. Emma didn’t care at all.

She slowly turned and began walking, waiting for Thomas to catch up. “I’m just tired. I don’t sleep too good these days,” she said. ”Is it because of Julie?” Thomas asked. She glanced at him. Why wouldn’t people stop talking about her? “What did you want, anyway?” she said.

”Oh, yeah. A bunch of my friends and me decided to throw a party tonight. Wanna come?” Emma stopped up and looked at him. ”No, thanks, I’m too tired. And I really am not in the mood for partying. – No offence.” She added.

Without waiting for an answer, she started walking. Thomas hurried after her, and laid an arm around her shoulder. “Come on, it’s gonna be so much fun. You’re not going to regret it.” Emma shook his arm of her shoulder. ”No, really, I don’t want to. Don’t you get it?” He was really starting to piss her off. ”Why don’t you ask those girls over there?” She pointed at the far end of the schoolyard, where a bunch of girls stood together and whispered and giggling watched in their direction.

Before he could say anything, she quickly turned around and walked to her closet, where her skateboard was locked inside. Students weren’t allowed to skateboard inside school, but she figured as they got free earlier, nobody would notice. She found some music on her ipod, and skated through the building while she hummed to Alanis.

When she came outside, she stopped for a moment, while a huge grin appeared on her face. The sun was so shining, warming her face. Everything started to blossom in the spring, and so did she, when the sun was shining. She loved the spring. Then she went across the schoolyard that now was empty. “Emma” she heard someone call. Thomas. She pretended she didn’t hear him and hurried around the corner. Why couldn’t he just leave her be?

When she turned the next corner, she slowed down. She then headed for the supermarked.

She had promised her mother to by some coffee.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2012 ⏰

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