1.5 | nowhere fast

Start from the beginning

"Employees? You're the manager then?"

She laughed. "The owner, actually."

"That explains so much."


Charlotte ended up walking him out. Devin shot her a look when the two of them came out of the back, and Charlotte knew she was going to get an earful later.

"I'll see you later, Charlotte."

Against all odds, Charlotte hoped so.

"See you."

He raised his injured hand and smiled. "Thanks again."

"Try to hold yourself back next time you want to beat up my coffee shop."

Mason grinned. "I'll do my best."

And then he was gone, the tinkling bell above the door the only signal that he'd been in the doorway at all.

"Okay," Devin said before she'd even made it back behind the counter. "Who was that?"

"An . . . acquaintance," Charlotte brushed off, knowing that it would drive Devin crazy. Besides, it was true.

"Does your friend have a name? Or a brother?"

"Mason, and I don't know. We just met."

"Uh huh."

"We did!"

Devin continued to tease her for the rest of the evening, and when Ash got there after her classes—because she just had to take a weekend class—she joined in.

It wasn't until they were closed for the night that the real questioning began.

"So how did you and your friend meet?" Ash asked innocently as Charlotte locked the door and flipped the open sign over.

"He was in the alley."

"O-kay . . ."

"Charlie," Ash said, shaking her head. "Do we need to go over why you shouldn't bring strangers that you find in the alley inside?"

Devin swatted their friend. "The more important question is why did you bring him inside?"

Charlotte busied herself refilling the coffee pots, trying to ignore her best friends.

"Charles!" Devin whined.

"Sorry, what?"

"You know what!"

"He punched a wall, I gave him a band aid, he left. Not much to say."

"He did what? You what?" Ash had clearly zoned out.

"It's not a big deal, guys."

"Charlotte Grace Evans, it most certainly is a big deal." Devin's voice was serious.

"Why?" Charlotte had moved on to wiping crumbs off the counter now.

"You talked to a boy!"

"I talk to boys all the time, Dev. It's not a new thing." She walked around the counter to clear some plates.

"You talk to Max and Jim. Those aren't boys."

"Really? Ash what do you think about that?"

"Oh, shut it. You know that's not what I meant."

"No, I think you were implying that Ash's boyfriend is really a g—"

Charlotte cut off as Devin threw a towel at her, the two of them giggling. Ash frowned at Devin.

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