The baby stopped crying when he was put in Valka's arms and his eyes finally opened wide enough to show his unnaturally green eyes. Valka was shocked by this but quickly put on a soft, kind expression in hopes of soothing the child. She swayed and hummed a quiet tone and the child quickly calmed down. Though this woman wasn't his mother, she at least gave off a similar aura to his mother. A soft, gentle aura that always calmed him. He turned his head to look at Stoick. Stoick's aura was different from the man that held the title of the child father. While both held a aura of firm and proud leadership, this one had an edge of kindness and gentleness to it, as opposed to his father's gruff, cold and cruelness.


The child relaxed, finally identifying them as not a threat and smiled at them, reaching his arms out to grab something which ended up being Stoick's beard. Stoick grunted at the baby tugging on his beard, but still couldn't help but smile. This child had no one, no place to go and no known relatives. In the moment, both Stoick and Valka agreed to the thing. That they would care for this child.




Hiccup was a relatively easy child to care for, rarely crying for anything unless it was for food, a diaper change, or for when he had a nightmare. When he was just six months old, he crawled for the first time and immediately started chasing the family cat, Fiddlesticks. He didn't know why, but deep down, a primal urge to chase the cat guided him. The cat ended up avoiding Hiccup for awhile, being scared of being chased again. About a few weeks later, he started talking of the first time. He said simple words such as 'mama' and 'papa' and 'uncle Gobber'. At ten months, Hiccup finally started walking and that's where strangeness happened.


Hiccup would go outside to play and whenever he came back in, he'd hold a dead animal in his hands, crying and saying he didn't mean, he couldn't control his strength. Which was another problem; Hiccup was surprisingly strong for a child his age, even Snotlout had a hard time lifting objects bigger than him and Hiccup had no problem pushing them.


Hiccup prefered to eat meat more than his vegetables, which caused frustration for Valka because he would push it away and pout.

Five years had passed since Valka and Stoick found Hiccup. The family was sitting in front of the fire, Hiccup peacefully playing with his toys with Valka and Stoick sitting at the table, looking over some documents, when a loud boom shook the house.


Stoick stood up and walked to the door. He opened it to see flaming boulders crash into the village. He looked towards the direction where the rocks came from to see ships in the port. Raiders from the mainland, Stoick recognized those flags anywhere. Stoick turned to see Hiccup cowering behind Valka. He ordered them to had to the forest to hide. Normally he'd tell them to go the Great Hall but the raiders would most likely go there.


Valka nodded, picked up Hiccup and ran out the back door. Stoick grabbed his axe and ran outside to join the battle.


The battle lasted almost all night, but they were finally able to drive them away. Everyone yelled in triumph, victory has been claimed. Stoick smiled and walked towards the forest to find his wife and child when he saw it.


His wife, Valka, lying on the ground in a pool of blood, his son kneeling beside her, crying, his eyes the same unnatural glow from when Stoick first found him, and a raider whose face was mauled to the point where he was unrecognizable. Hiccup looked up to Stoick and immediately ran to Stoick and gripped tightly onto his leg. Inhuman sounds coming from his mouth. Whimpers akin to that of a dog filled the air, but Stoick didn't care, the love of his life was dead.


Stoick picked Hiccup up into his arms and held him as they both cried, mourning the loss of a loved one

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