*Bound To Be Mine:2 *

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Zaabit ~ POV

I lit my second cigarette of the day, just to let my pain get out through the smoke. I thought of going back to the house to see her draw away to her own house.

Now she has probably done her vows to be with each other. But yet, I can't move to bid her with that dress that I wanted her to come to me.

Now I know, why singers write sad love songs. It does hurt that the words become your companions in sharing your pain.

The beating heart is dying out as I have lost her. She is not coming back but why do I feel like waiting.

I shouldn't wait as she will never return to me. They say when you know that a person you're waiting for to come back to you then you should move on because you know, that it is not coming and usually lost things are never returned.

As an intruder snap me from my deep thoughts. I turn my head, Saama walks in with a gait that spoke of nothing but a beaten-up soul.

I get up and she walks up to me, without a word, she slaps me renders me speechless as my ear pierces in pain and I let her slap me because I feel like I should be because I am a major loser that couldn't, and wouldn't do anything right.

Her words that left her lips, knives my already torn heart and I just let her do the damage but I fail to understand her at this moment.

When she is already married, why is she telling me as if I broke her marriage?

I wish I did but I don't play dirty.

When I finally hear Soham's name, that is when she yells his rejection because of me. I don't remember even talking, let alone looking at him.

I have always been staring at her even when they were together. How can she assume I could do that.

I wouldn't do anything that would make her hate me even more.

Why does she think I have cursed her happiness or wanted her marriage to break.

I didn't pray that hard to Allah but yes, I did wish that it should be me. It should be me whose name is tied to her. It should be to love her as no other man could. It should always be me, that I have always wished for.

As tears surface in her eye and made them glassy, it aches so much to know that I have always been the reason behind her tears.

I frustratingly let the vapors out to get me a little peace to live through.

She cages me as her cold breath fans my chest. She looks at me with pain in her eyes to let me know, that unknowingly I have played a major role in her suffering.

The pain that I am in right now because of the misunderstanding that I fail....no...she fails to get...does she believes I ...was lusting for her at that age. If she does....no....she does that is why she has always hated me.

She hates me because she thinks, I took her to that spot to pleasure myself. She thinks so much...that pretty, little, mature brain of her has wild thinking that I just realized.

As her cold fingers touch my skin. I am startled and let her take the cigarette. The spot stung with a different sensation that seemed foreign yet familiar. She doesn't know what she does to me now that I am falling deeper in love with her.

As she is about to leave. I grasp her small wrist to stop her. For this time, I am going to make sure I succeed in stopping her.

I draw her with me as she struggles within my grip and when I utter, I have been in pain ever since that day, tormenting each day and finding myself withering away with time.

She renders me lifeless when she scoffs that she is glad that I have been that way.

As we saunter in the snowy storm. I didn't care because this time, I am going to calm the raging storm within us and around us. The storm that has been raging for years is now getting a chance to be tame.

I am going to tame everything by marrying her and making her mine.

She has always been the one and she always will be. I am going to make sure to let her fall for me which seems like a far away dream but still, it is a dream that I am dreaming for us or perhaps only for myself.


As the golden balls scatter away in my direction, I hear my inner voice utters loudly.

"Qubool hai...qubool hai...qubool hai, I accept Saama Zaboor as my wife."

As I voice my answer smoothly, it is like, my soul has been practicing it for this day until now.

A wave of happiness rushes over me as I hear her answer with unwillingness that could be only sensed by me.

I look at her as she stares back at me with rejection that couldn't be said through her lips.

Her brown orbs are screaming "Kabhi Nahi"  yet I am to ignore it because it doesn't matter now, nothing matters now.

"Mubarak ho aap ko aap ki nafrat barpur shaadi"

( congratulating you for a hateful marriage)

I swivel my head at the menacing voice that I knew very well.

Salam and Hello....my beautiful reader.....hopefully life is treating you well....

It is totally amazing to know that my second book is doing this well....I am so grateful to each and every one of you who is taking their time reading my work and voting for it...

If you guys haven't checked out my first book unfulfilled desires (Adhori Chahatein ). ..then make sure...u do check it out bc I am sure u will like it...

Plz guys do let me know ...how the story going so far...

many people are messaging me that this book is so depressing and all ...and I seriously don't know wat to say to that ...but this book is meant to be kinda sad one but in sha Allah I am making some amazing changes and twisting my plot that eventually u won't find it depressing...

The bound to me chap r from Zaabit pov as many of u know....this is the last part, though....this chap is like detail pov of how he is feeling. ..and the next chap are going to hold some twist...

Anyway...guys tell me genuinely if you like my writing style. ..

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Until then stay happy and make others happy :) ♥

Zooming out :) ♥

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