"'Tricks to help children sleep?' I'm not a child, Lauren!"

"Yeah, well grown-up stuff hasn't really been working, now has it? We've tried everything: breathing patterns, meditation, acupuncture points, no phone nor TV before bed, exercising more in the morning, and I know you even tried those hypnosis videos on YouTube!"

"That doesn't mean that kid stuff would work!"

"Does it mean, though, that we shouldn't even try?"

"...I guess not."

"Stop pouting, look how cute those microwaveable plushies are! It has lavender in it to help you relax and sleep better! They sell them at the mall, we'll check it out! They also suggest ceiling projectors, apparently it's pretty great, and don't whine, they have some for adults too, cause it works for everyone! That, a big blanket, and some toys and we should be good."


"Don't make that face, I've seen how much you enjoy playing with Sofi! And I was thinking like adult coloring books, maybe a puzzle or something and kinetic sand."

"I thought I was supposed to be sleeping, not playing!"

"Yes, but you were right about something, without TV or your phone you were pretty much left with nothing to do, and reading only makes things worse because you never put a book down before finishing it! You said it yourself, you were growing restless laying down in bed for long periods of time! So instead, before bed you can take your mind off things by doing a little activity!"

"You really thought it through, huh?"

Lauren got even closer to Camila's ear.

"I always think of you, baby. I wasn't ignoring you, I was just figuring it all out before showing you. I'll never ignore you on purpose again, okay?"


Camila's voice didn't sound convinced, it broke Lauren's heart that Camila might even think she could do it again.

"How about this, if I ever do it again, I'll let you send me to the corner and spank me, alright?"

Camila stared at Lauren's face for a while, trying to detect any hint that would show she wasn't being sincere, but she couldn't find any.

"Pinky swear?"

"Pinky swear."

Once done, they didn't disconnect their fingers.

"We're supposed to meet the girls at forever 21, we can hang out with them, and then we'll go see if we can find everything we need, alright?"


She felt a bit drained, she might even have been able to fall asleep right there against Lauren.

"You can't fall asleep, you know that, right?

"I know, I just feel really tired."

"Tell me what you want to do at the mall."

"I want to go to Cold Stone and get banana ice cream."

"We definitely can do that. What else?"

"I don't know."

"You don't need anything?"

"Toothpaste...and fluffy socks."

"Right, we wouldn't want you to be out of fluffy socks!"

"They just look so comfy! Mani has some; I want some too."

"Alright, we'll get you fluffy socks."

Lauren brought their still joined hands to her mouth and kissed it.

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