Wordplay Story #12

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Title: brief exposure of love

I've never been very laconic; I tend to talk like I'm doing a disquisition. But now you're leaving, so I don't have much time to express my feelings.

I don't know where to start right now. I guess that the best starter is that I love you more than anyone could; you're the inspiration for everything I do. When some other girl tries to catch your attention I get truculent. When I'm without you I feel my energy refluent. You're the treasure I hoped to find since forever, I hope you feel as strongly as me.

And now you must board that train in search of the success you always raved about. Though I have to schlep a heavy heart, I wish only the best for you. I love you no matter where we are, and I'll be here when you get back to resume the rest of our lives.

 I love you no matter where we are, and I'll be here when you get back to resume the rest of our lives

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