Wordplay Story #2

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Title: Finding the meaning of love


      Have you heard the story of the icarian boy? He lived down in the neighborhood, and he only saw his parents twice a month. He was curious about the feeling of love; Of the so famous sparks, butterflies and overjoy of being with someone.

     He asked old people, but they told him archaic experiences. He tried asking out girls, but they rejected him. He asked out boys, but they knocked him out. He even met the tired women down in the alleyway, but they said they wouldn't go to jail because of him. As a last resort he asked his parents who said: "the only true love comes from money".

    The boy listened to his parents, and with his saved money he created factitious girls. They had beautiful bodies and halcyon faces. Soon he turned into a gadabout being, doing both innocent and questionable things to those creations. But later the high died down and he felt ridiculous and empty. He vanished the girls out of his room and his memories.

   Now he lays every night chanting a jeremiad about his luck at love, hoping there is a chance at redemption for his actions and a genuine experience he'll never forget.

   Now he lays every night chanting a jeremiad about his luck at love, hoping there is a chance at redemption for his actions and a genuine experience he'll never forget

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