Wordplay Story #6

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Title: power of the imagination

   Alice was a latitudinarian girl, full of tolerance, hope and little smiles living in a broken town. There were ladies in gimcrack clothes, tired men with no money, children that had barely food to eat. But amongst all that sadness Alice's optimism never faltered, specially when she had a story to create in her mind.

One day looking through some old kitsch Alice found an empty book ready to be filled with words. She ran to her little hut and wrote all her imagination; she ended filling a little more than half the book. At night while she was sleeping it started to rain, and some of those drops poured over her book. The water galvanized the words to melt to the ground, and by surprise they materialized.

The next day Alice saw new people, with smiles and peaceful faces. She realized they matched with the people of her stories. She showed them the town, talked about how she wanted improvements. The happy people agreed with her. She never felt more understood.

But the townspeople held a different reaction. Antipathy was clear on their faces since they didn't want more people taking the little resources they had.  There was a plan of killing the nice people, but Alice made a deal: she would find a place for the new people to stay.

And she went with them to some part of the world. Who knows if it was towards the countryside or the beach. But now the happy girl lived with equally happy people in a pretty place telling stories every night.

 But now the happy girl lived with equally happy people in a pretty place telling stories every night

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