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Hello! Welcome to "Wordplay Story".

This collection is a form of writing prompts I created for myself to get some creative motivation I really desire.

The rules are simple: I make a group of random words I've never used in my life (or rarely do) and incorporate them into a short story. I write about anything: love, ambition, tragedy, etc.

I hope you enjoy my new project. As usual make sure to vote, comment, spread the word and follow me.
If you are interested in doing a prompt of these message me and I'll send you a group of words; if you want me to publish your short story here just say so and I'll do it with credits and all.

This project will start January 1st (to have a goal for the new year haha)

This will be all, so see you soon!

P.S: I have to do some shameless promo. In case you live under a rock I used to make reviews, and I have like 3 books full of those in my profile. I don't accept review requests but I do accept reads and feedback on those. I also have a story called "The Survival"; if it interests you then check it out, though I'm dying to do a re-write of it.

Wordplay StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora