Outspread are over-taped fluttering paper wings, feathers folding over one another and curling into majestic bird wings.

The girl has black pants, simple shadowy sneakers, sky blue colored hair, and a smile on her face, dancing in her eyes. She flips down her hood and smiles shyly at us.

Another girl has curled blue aqua colored hair, short, and swirling down to her shoulders, where they spread and wave like a curtain.

She has a ton of makeup on...like, a ton. Small black marking in small upside down swoops highlight where she's put red and seafoam ocean green scale paint, spread across her face.
Turquoise eye shadow spread out, painted across her face, calmness washing over her almost bored face, dotted with ever so slight freckles.
She has an ocean green, turquoise, aqua in a mermaid costume, trailing down to the bottom, where the colour turns to an apple red, like a mermaid's tail.

Another one of the group, a taller boy, almost taller than Asher (which is almost impossible to become,) is in a simple military outfit, camouflaged clothes covering him.

A third girl has wispy blonde hair and an almost far-away observant look, smiling peacefully at us. Her hair is almost white, a few thin strands floating aimlessly in the air.

She has on puffy white creamy sleeves, a denim navy blue vest, and a fluffy feathery pirate hat, the feathers bobbing in the air wishfully.

The fifth and final person of the group, a boy, has a marigold yellow-orange cat sweater, simple sharpie marks streaking alongside his face.

One of the boys takes Asher's hand.

"Hi," The tallest boy in the heavy boots and camouflage greets, shaking his hand against Asher's darker one.

"I'm Zander, and that's Luna -" The girl in the pirate outfit with the almost white hair, "Salem -" The blackbird girl who I can only imagine is some sort of raven or a crow......eh, heck if I know...

"....um, over there's Autumn,-" He points to the girl in the mermaid costume, "and finally, the cat over there, that's Dakota..."

"Kota, you can call me just Kota," The boy interrupts, face red and flushed. Zander simply rolls his eyes.

He looks up over us, calm but authoritative, may just a few years older than are are.

"So...who's the host?"

Ice shoots up our spines.

Chara's P.O.V

"Um, one moment please," Asher laughs awkwardly, then basically shoves us all into the closet where we found the note.

"In, in, in, in, in..." He hisses, shoving us inside and locking the door to the costume closet.

Cato takes one look at the fake skeleton and shivers.

"What the bloody frick did you do that for!?" Raina yells, taking a newspaper roll from a costume box and hitting him with it.

"Here, put these on," he says, taking random stuff from shelves and boxes of the costume closet, handing it to us absentmindedly.

He hands Cato a bow and arrow, and some black suit with symbols on them, Raina a piece of tape, himself, a Pokémon hat and a vest, Dawson, a black hoodie with bones painted on it in the shape of a skeleton, and me a sharpie and a black wig, along with a small tan-cream t-shirt with mustaches stashed across.

"Why?" We all ask in unison.

Asher sighs like we're the biggest idiots in the world.   
"Seriously? Guys, um, duh. Cato is Cato from the Hunger Games, Dawson is Papyrus from Undertale because she references him, like, all the time, I'm Ash from Pokémon, you know, ASHer, Raina's a nerd because she is one-"

Raina smacks him again with the crinkled crumbling newspaper roll.

"...and finally, Chara, I would have you be Chara from Undertale, but there's no sweater, so you'll have to be Phil...because...you like watching, I dunno, I didn't have a lot of time," he shrugs.

I punch him in the arm.

"What do you mean 'you'll just have to be Phil,' !? This is amazing!!" Dawson rolls her eyes at my pun as Asher laughs and rubs his newly bruising arm.

I smile.

"Okay," Asher explains, "We'll pretend like nothing's wrong, say we forgot it was a Halloween costume party, because...well, we did...and then tell them what's going on, okay?"

We all agree, sadly.

We all change and head outside towards the others, who are all talking in a circle. They melt and disperse when they see us.

Luna smiles warmly.

"So, you guys okay?" Salem asks.

"You guys look great," Luna comments, a small smile dancing in her eyes and on her face.

"Thanks," I say back.

"We've just simply forgotten that it was a costume party, we decided to change just now," Asher explains awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

Asher then continues to explain what's been going on, and the others decide to help us find Kyril.

"So, where do we start?" Zander asks.

And then the lights shut off.


Chapter written by Goldendoodlegamer11

K Y R I L ' S MURDER MYSTERY - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now