P [is for pandora]

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|| "They say everyone has a box in their mind that should never be opened. Thing's that should never be said. Pandora once told me that all the evils of the world can be locked up in that box inside us, sad memories, hurtful words, violent actions we keep pent up within. She told me there isn't always a physical box you can open literally, sometimes it's what you use your mouth to say, your hands to do... the thing's other's words do to you." ||  

"Perseus isn't real! He's another one of your little friends."  My aunt growled at me from across the room, her grey face becoming red with anger. 

"He is real! He is! He promised he was!" I screamed, "Why would you say he wasn't? It's not as if you've met him, so how could you possibly know!" I demanded, my hands fists at my sides. 

"You're right, I haven't. But I cannot meet someone who doesn't exist Imogen." She answered heartlessly, slumping forward a little as she pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger. Tired. Fed up. Had enough. 

"He does exist, I'll prove it to you, then you'll be sorry you old witch!" I yelled as I frantically pulled out my phone to dial his number. 

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