Change of Time- Brave New World

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"So let me get this straight," Chastity loudly said.

She and I were working together on preparing for tonight's carnival by making sure everything was where they were supposed to be and all the rides were functioning the way they should in addition to making sure we had enough prizes and food stocked for the night. Meanwhile Elena had taken over Caroline's role and was working with Bonnie to complete her half while Caroline was still in the hospital.

I had just finished telling Chastity about...the incident with Damon and Jeremy and now it seemed that I would have to prepare myself for Chastity's wrath.

"Damon...killed Jeremy. And he's still alive?" she asked me incredulously.

"Yes, Chas, he's still alive," I answered.

"Why didn't you kill him on the spot?"

I gave her a questioning look.

"What makes you think I even could have?" I replied. "I'm not exactly the killing type."

"Maybe you should be," she said quietly, toying with the box of popcorn bags in her hand.

The girl in charge of the balloon dart toss came over for the rest of her booth's darts and I quickly handed them over to her before turning back to my best friend.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked calmly.

She sighed and stepped closer to me, lowering her voice as she spoke. "Damon is dangerous. He's proven that. Moreover, he's proven he doesn't give a damn who it is, he'll kill anyone when he's in a bad mood. Not only that, but your sister's freaky vampire twin is cruising around town posing as her and she's fooled not only Olivia, Bonnie, and I, but you and Damon too."

I licked my lips and shifted uncomfortably as she continued.

"It just seems to me that you should be prepared for any situation. Things are getting dangerous. You can't exactly afford to be the non-killing type."

I stepped back slowly, staring at her with a new feeling toward her I didn't recognize.

This was Chastity, my best friend, and she was telling me...that I should be ready to kill if I had to. She talked about so...openly, so casually, like it wasn't something that should be complicated or hard to think about.

"Let's just...not talk about this," I said clearing my throat as I gestured to the area around us. "Not the time, definitely not the place."

She blinked once and pressed her lips together, nodding her head affirmatively.

"Right," was all she said.

I sent her a small smile before turning my attention back to my clipboard, marking off the balloons I'd handed over as delivered.

Even though I wasn't completely sure I wanted to, I figured it would be best to return to the matter Chastity brought up later- if at all. For now, it was time to act like a normal human teenage girl.

Even if my situation was anything but normal.


Third POV

After not-so-subtly suggesting to Sam that she should learn how to kill vampires, Chastity decided to head back home from the carnival setup. She needed time and space to clear her head after her close shave with a meltdown in front of Sam. She didn't know what had come over her, only that she was angry- furious, really- with Damon for killing Jeremy in front of Sam of all people.

There was also the matter of that overwhelming sensation that she was being suffocated. It came quite literally out of nowhere. One second, she was conversing with Sam about Damon and Jeremy and Katherine and the next...she felt uncomfortable, like there was an unnatural, dangerous darkness in the area.

Change of TimeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz