Change of Time- Sisters Reunite

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Okay, so this is kind of a filler episode in third person centered around Katherine and Elizabeth meeting again for the first time since Katherine got out of the tomb. I didn't really want to try to squeeze in the Pierce sister reunion in to an actual episode chapter, so I just decided to make a whole chapter centered around them.

Elizabeth's reasons for leaving Katherine will NOT be explained in this chapter, nor does Katherine really want to hear her excuses, but there will be some info revealed about their past (such as who the older vampire is).

I hope you all enjoy!

Stay beautiful my lovelies!

Love, Kathy


Katherine Pierce walked purposely through the halls of the Mystic Falls hospital. Her mission was very clear in her mind and she was determined to see it through, no matter what bland nurse or doctor she had to compel out of her way.

She would not be leaving until Caroline Forbes, who currently had Damon Salvatore's vampire blood running through her system, was dead.

Stefan flat out rejected her in favor of that bland, boring, colorless, lifeless, tedious, uninteresting, rip off copy of her- Elena. God, the girl was such a bore- so lackluster and wishy-washy- and she had absolutely no taste. How Stefan ever fell in love with her, Katherine would never understand. She thought for sure he'd try to find himself another Elizabeth since he had been so attached to her, or at the very least come back to Katherine.

Sigh, but he chose to do this the hard way. Him and his brother both wanted her out of town and out of their lives, apparently they didn't understand that that wasn't an option, so she needed to send them a message that the game was on.

Poor Caroline would pay the price of not only serving as a message to Stefan and Damon, but she would also play the role of the sacrificial vampire when the time came. That ought to teach Stefan to reject her.

Honestly, Katherine could care less that Damon hated her and rejected her offer of mutual sexual release. She knew his head was too far up little miss baby Gilbert's ass to take Katherine up on her booty call. She wouldn't be surprised if he even turned Elizabeth, herself, down although it could be argued that Damon saw Samantha as a replacement.

Katherine would have to watch them longer in order to really figured that out for herself. Damon seemed to genuinely care about Sam, but considering that her sister had yet to make an appearance...that could change.

However, Katherine couldn't deny that there was something...different about Damon. No, not the fact that he was a vampire and was much more sarcastic and...temperamental than he had been before. Damon wasn't where the changes were.

The changes were in the way Damon looked at Sam. The way his eyes softened each time he saw her, the way his voice turned gentle every time he spoke to her, and the way his body seemed to naturally gravitate toward her and he turned protective each time he perceived her to be in danger.

He seemed like he had been in the dark for so long after Katherine got locked in the tomb and her bitch sister took off, yet every time Sam came around, he seemed like he saw the light for the first time in over a century.

Though, Katherine would never understand that attraction either. Sam seemed as lifeless and boring as her sister, but she was worse in the sense that she allowed her older sister to blatantly lie to her and walk all over her. Oh, if only Elizabeth could see how her little look-a-like turned out.

Slowing outside the chatty blonde's hospital room, Katherine realized that there was something missing. Something that should have been loud, clear, consistent...

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