Change of Time- The Return

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I sat quietly in the waiting room of the hospital, my knee involuntarily bouncing up and down as I awaited for a doctor or a nurse- someone to come give me some good news. Hopefully good, at least.

Shortly after Katherine's name popped in my mind on the stairs back at home, I immediately went to find her only to have my suspicions confirmed when I entered the kitchen just in time to see Katherine cut Uncle John's fingers off and stab him.

She escaped at vampire speed after seeing me and while I was tending to John and calling 911, Elena came home. She was horrified by what happened, of course, but pulled through it to go check on Jeremy in case Katherine hurt him too.

Thankfully, he was alright.

And that's how I ended up here. When the ambulance arrived at the house, Elena insisted I go with Uncle John as a hospital full of people would be safer to be in than the house where a malevolent vampire had been invited in. The only reason I agreed was because she had called Stefan, who arrived just as the ambulance were carting Uncle John out, and I really was worried about Uncle John.

Jerk or not, blood or not- he was still family.

Shortly after we arrived at the hospital and he was taken back by the doctors, Bonnie, Chastity, Olivia, and Matt found me and informed me that Matt, Tyler, and Caroline were in an accident. Apparently, Tyler lost control of the car after he heard a noise and apparently got a migraine. He and Matt were both fine, but Caroline...she didn't look good. And as curious as I was about why the Gilbert device- the noise I'm assuming Tyler heard- affected him, it wasn't the time to be asking questions about that.

"This is insane," Olivia huffed as she entered the waiting room again. "The least they could do is tell us if she's still alive."

"I think they would have told us otherwise if she wasn't," Chastity numbly pointed out. "Besides, if they're doing surgery, they can't exactly give us an update every ten minutes."

"What if she doesn't make it?" Bonnie suddenly whispered.

Olivia sent her a glare.

"That's a real optimistic thought," she snapped. "This is Caroline, here. The girl could be puking blood and she would still be able to plan three town festivals, five parties, and eight school dances. She's going to be fine."

Though her tone was firm and sharp, there was still an underlying fear of the possibility that Caroline wouldn't be alright in the end.

Chastity set a hand on my shoulder.

"How are you doing?" she asked me.

"Okay, considering," I sighed. "Uncle John is going to be fine. I already know that. Caroline...she's a fighter. She has to be okay."

"What even happened with your uncle?" Olivia asked then. "You said he was here but you never said how."

That's right. I never told them what happened after I got home. About Katherine, about her attacking Uncle John....about Damon.

What was I even supposed to say happened with Damon? Now that I have my head back, that whole situation just seemed completely insane!

He was in love with Elizabeth and he yet he almost kissed me? Why would he do that? Who was I to him, even? Was I Sam or was I just a perfect carbon copy replacement for Elizabeth?

I shook my head. My relationship with Damon should be the last thing I think about right now.

"He was stabbed. It's a long story," I answered shortly, hinting that it involved the supernatural and there was someone here who was unaware of that world and I wanted to keep it that way.

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