It was phenomenal.

Just like the artwork.

He slid from side to side, showing me others, he took, from all the performances I was in. They were all perfect.

"You are going to have to send these all to me. They are just... You are amazing Connor."

"Well, you can say that again." A mischievous smirk lurks on his face, signaling the moment was over. Reaching up, I gently press my lips to his cheek, causing tingles to shoot through my body again.

That must be a sign.

"We should probably get going. You may want to drop them next door, so that they can stay in water." Nodding, we call our quick goodbyes to the rest of the household, walking quickly over to the house next door.

Connor waits outside as I run in and place the flowers in water. Joel and Christina had already left for Faith's, leaving the house silent. I run as fast as my aching hand will let me to the kitchen to base the flowers, the up to my room and place the envelope on my desk. Grabbing teh original black cardigan, I discard my green cargo jacket, and replace it with the soft knitted blend.

My eyes glaze over the letter from this morning, grabbing it quickly and sliding it inside my sling.

Before anything settles in, I run back down the stairs, into Connor's awaiting arms. My breathing was slightly uneven, but apart from that no major anxiety.

Closing the door, we hop back in Connor's truck, and I direct him to Faith's place.

"So, you are 100% sure that it is okay for me to be here?" Connor asks as we park on the street next to the Olson residence.

"Yes. I really want you to be here." Looking at the nervous figure next to me, I smile to myself.

He looked so perfect.

"You know, I like how you did your hair today. It's a lot neater than normal." Connor's hair was perfectly slicked back instead of its more rustic look, making him look older and more handsome in my opinion.

"Thankyou. I wanted to try something different." Smiling at my statement, Connor finally sums up enough courage to open his door and leave the security of the car. Rushing around to my side, he opens the door, and intertwines his hand with mine once more. We walk up the short paved driveway of the house, Connor's grip tight on my right hand.

Just before we could knock, the door swings open, revealing an overjoyed Faith.

"IT'S THE HAPPY COUPLE!" Pulling us into a group hug, Faith drags up quickly down the stairs to the basement, without giving us time to reject her statement.

"DANI! Happy birthday!" Coral shouts, letting go of Sam's hand to come and give me a hug. Subsequently Connor loosens his grip on me, giving me a reassuring look, before stepping over to the guys and giving them that weird bro hug thing.

Mia also joins us in our hug.

"So... before we start this birthday celebration, how was your date?"

Lucky Connor couldn't hear Mia's question, or there would be a whole load of embarrassment. I did text them and let them know what was happening this morning.

"It was perfect." I say, giving the girls all the information they needed before we disband and sit down.

Joel and Christina took up the couch, laying across it comfortably. Sam sat next to Coral on one side of the room, both of them holding hands.

I need to get an update on that situation later.

Then spread across the rest of the room was Faith and Mia, both lying on their stomachs with mountains of pillows around them.

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