Chapter 16

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"What do you mean your leaving?" I say, trying to keep my cool. Monday night. It was monday night. I was getting operated on in less than 12 hours.

"I can't bloody look after myself, and obviously mum and dad aren't freaking flying back." Of course, I felt bad. Joel was my brother, not my father.

"Dani, this is my fault. Please don't get angry at Joel." Christina looked as though she was about to cry. Seeing this, I instantly calm down.

"I'm not mad. I just am confused. Are we moving the surgery?" Christina, the talented designer she is, got a call this morning from her boss. Apparently a designer pulled out of freaking New York Fashion week, one of the most prestigious fashion shows there is, and they asked Christina to come and fill in. A once in a lifetime opportunity.

"We have come up with something, but you won't like it." Joel says, calmly, almost too calmly.

"What?" Surly anything would be better than staying alone, when you have crippling anxiety.

"Before we tell you, you have to promise not to freak out okay?"

"Okay..." What the hell could it be? Committing me for a week?

"Well, Melissa offered to have you at the Marklin residence..." My jaw drops. It hits the floor. Infact, it has hit the molten inner core of the earth.

"Excuse me?" I almost yell.

"You promised not to get riled up Dani." Joel cautions.

"Before you say anything, we didn't even ask. We were talking about this at lunch, with Joel fully planning on staying home to look after you, when she let herself in to grab some coffee grounds, and offered. You literally couldn't be in better hands. No pun intended." Christina, holding in a laugh from her own joke, explains.

"And it's not like we are ditching you completely. We leave wednesday night." I nod.

We continue to talk about the logistics for tomorrow.

The operation was at 8am, or that was the time I had to be there anyways. I couldn't eat from midnight, so we had a large, filling dinner of pizza.

After our conversation, me finally accepting the fact that I would be staying at the Marklin's from wednesday for a week, I retire to my room, turning on the radio, letting the music wash over me.

My phone buzzes, something it very rarely does at this time of night.

Are you awake?- Connor M.

I look at my phone. I don't think I ever gave him my number. We aren't even facebook friends.

Sure am. How did you get my number?- Dani

Got it off Taylor ages ago. Can't remember why. Hope thats okay ;)- Connor M

Saving his number as a contact, I reply.

All g. Whats up?- Dani

Nothing much. Well actually, Lucy's princess nightlight is up right now. But as soon as I can remove my arm from under her, my roof will be up.- Connor


So you are staying at hotel la Marklin?- Connor

Apparently. Sorry if that is annoying. Your mum is too nice for her own good...-Dani

My phone doesn't buzz again for awhile. I sit up from my position on my bed, looking out the window. A dark figure was sneaking out of the pink room.

Sorry, got out. And no, its fine. It'll be fun :)- Connor

Sure...- Dani

I don't know what has happened. I have spent so long hating Connor, yet as soon as we start talking again, it's like we never stopped being friends. It felt comfortable and safe.

Anyways, we should be getting to sleep. You have a bug day tomorrow, and I have to continue going to hell.- Connor

*big- Connor


Night- Connor

Throwing my phone next to me, I stare at the ceiling, confused.

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